Wednesday, June 6, 2012

MB 2012 Day 2: More Fun to Fish in the Rain than Golf in the Rain

Go figure.  It started gently enough but soon developed into a steady drizzle then 16 holes of, well, rain.  After 9 I stopped into the pro shop and bought some rain gear.  I stayed pretty much dry the last 9 holes.  We did, however, decide to switch the afternoon round to later in the week.  The other guys took off to the movies and dinner - I elected to get some solitary time.  The golf was, well, what it was.  I had a 49/50 with an 11 on one hole on the back.  I won dots.  I won 1.5 of the team thingy.  I lost my match on the 18th hole.  Bob still rules.

I do have a photo of me in my dashing new rain gear.  Oops, I earned the "gator" today.  Can't forget that.  So tomorrow, at King's North - I'll have to display it proudly.  The gator seemed to enjoy the weather.  I can't say so much for the rest of the guys.  Like I side fishing is more fun than golf when it is raining.  I'd post the guy's pictures, but, don't have their permission.  By the way - I lost 5 balls today (2 Water Hazard + 3 Hazard).  But, I found 8 - pretty nice ones so I still came out ahead.  Now that I think of it that's 5 penalty strokes (3 of them on one hole) - lots of room for improvement.

Oh, yeah, there is lots of water at Arnie's course.  Well, the rain suit and club head covers are all dried out now.  Time to put things back in the bag and relax.  I love this place.  I love golf, fishing, but most of all I love Carolyn.....

Please enjoy your moments.  I know I'll be enjoying mine.

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