Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What, Another Table

Unbelievable, but true.  One would think we are collecting tables!!!  Well, I do think Carolyn found ( at long last) the table she really wants for the kitchen - we are picking it up Friday.  The one we are currently using will head for the "sewing room"...  It will be a great hobby and sewing table.

Tired today for some odd reason... played golf again-- two man scramble this morning.  It was fun.  I think I hit some of the best drives I've ever hit, and one fantastic 3 Metal (as Johnny Miller would say).  For those that are non-golfers, it is usually a 3 metal these days instead of a 3 wood because the woods are made out of metal so they really aren't woods anymore - doesn't have the same ring though.  Tuesday morning I played at Common Grounds - it was the last round of the men's inter-club league for the year.  It was nice to play some different courses in the area.

I now need to get the boat cleaned up ... I've been meaning to do it for a few days now, but I've been lazy.. It is definitely time to do some fall fishing.

Well, enough for now.  Enjoy your moments - all of them!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Motezuma Iowa

DRY, DRY, DRY -- did I say dry?  It really is dry around here.  I've never seen the grass so dormant this time of year in Montezuma.  We've been visiting sibs, celebrating Mum's 88th birthday and getting ready to head for home in the morning.

I guess the only thing I've really noticed is the condition of the sidewalks - they are awful.

There are a couple of beautiful new buildings in town - one is a residence, one an office building.  Of note is the new Subway across the street from Vannoy's car lot.  Can you believe it?  A Subway in Montezuma.  I wonder how long it will list.  The Mexican restaurant that took over Sandi's is already out of business.

Lana and I took her new little boat out this morning.  The 8 HP Merc I brought her fired right up - but didn't like trolling speeds at all.  I guess she'll have to do a little work on that, but she'll get it running run or no one can.

All in all, it has been a pretty good trip.  We got awesome gas mileage coming out - smooth sailing and about 40mpg.  If we don't hit headwinds going back West we should do just as well.  I'm thinking two days though, instead of one.   We'll see.  There's lots of moments between now and then and I need to be in the now, for now, you know!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

New Home, New Noises, New Discoveries ... Like

Okay - I bought an electric (being environmentally conscientious.  A 50' cord is too short, a 100' cord is too long, so I guess I need to buy a 75' cord and split the difference.  I have learned the tricks to managing the cord so's I don't electrocute myself or blow a breaker and, the mower does a great job quietly.

I also learned I should always have a spare or two cord refill for the weed whacker ( in this case used as an edge trimmer -) lesson learned.

Every day is a learning adventure - which switch does what, what outlets are switched, tricky little dimmers - where is the sensor for the front porch light the magically turns on and off by itself -- I have not found that critter yet.  I also learned that speed control fan switches aren't necessarily cheap -- also when the box says "will work with any ceiling fan!" -- don't believe it, there is always fine print.

One also discovers that "ponds" which sound like babbling brooks require maintenance - and water - at these temperatures, 2" a day just dissappears.  We did find a gizmo (already installed) that allows us to run it from dusk to dawn -- just the right time for a comfortable night's sleep.

We also thought it a bit funny that the first three pieces of furniture we bought were tables -- dining room, patio, and today kitchen -  and I discovered garage sales can be a place to find some fantastic bargains.

All-in-all its all good!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Box Day

Today we got most all of the boxes (all but one) moved into the appropriate room in the house. We also had to get a few necessary items -- hose, broom, dustpan (for garage).  I got the boat moved yesterday - cleaned up the 8 horse Mercury for the trip to Iowa.

Our neighbors to the East brought us a lemon cake ... yummm.. nice folks - it is good to know them.  I trimmed some trees and bundled the refuse, fixed one of the the thingys (not a word) on the stairs out back -- whatever those things are that go from the floor and steps to what might be called the banister.  I'm not technical in things made of wood -  though I know there are stringers that hold the steps -- I think.  I also installed a wall mount for the flat screen downstairs - now I need to hide all those cables... I have a solution for that.

Looking forward to visiting Mom - somewhat.  I do have trepidation, but all in all the trip is a worthwhile cause.  Autumn will be house sitting.

We still haven't really picked out any furniture -- we are in the early stages of design!

Life is certainly good!  And all our moments are special in some way.  Yours should be too!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

44th Anniversary

On August 12th, we celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary.  I played golf in the morning - Woodmoor Pines - I guess my mind was on Carolyn, because it certainly wasn't on golf.  I played 4 rounds last week, one with the Monday regulars, two with the senior interclub, and one with the Fitz gang.  Three rounds this week, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

I got a lot done around the new place yesterday - mostly moving boxes from the garage to the appropriate room in the house.  Just getting ready for some future unpacking.  Where did it all come from and where in the heck is it all going to go - maybe Goodwill gets some more stuff!  That is very likely.

It is a beautiful Sunday morning. I'm sitting on one of the patio chairs that Carolyn and I assembled.  They are really nice and comfy, they rock without being rockers.  I like that.  It is a peaceful and quiet morning - of course I can hear the babbling brook as well and that makes the experience even better.

Today brings with it a lot of new moments and of course will generate some interesting new memories - our precocious Kyrie is with us while Jeremiah is at work.  That always makes for an interesting time.  Heather, Eric and their gang dropped by yesterday to see the house.  Unfortunately I had to leave to go pick Carolyn up.  She spent the day with American Jury Research on a mock trial.  She said it was very interesting, but had to sign non-disclosure statements so couldn't share any more than that.  Ah well......

Oh, the anniversary - it strikes me that I've not shared much about our wonderful 44 years -- well, they speak for themselves and our memories are where they belong - in our hearts!  We are looking forward to many more years together and sharing lots more wonderful, joyful, blessed moments!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday - Start of Week 2 in Our New Home

Strange how it already feels like home.  There was love here.  I can tell - the place has awesome vibes.  We, Carolyn and I, assembled patio furniture and a two seat swing yesterday.  Yet another dream that has come to fruition.

I'm setting on the patio, enjoying a cup of brew - Kahlua Coffee blend (non-alcoholic - though, a Baily's sounds good right now).  It is a beautiful, cool, refreshing morning.  The sun is just peaking above the Aspens to the East.

We really don't have any furniture in the house yet.  We left most of it behind.  Kindle and Drew got good news (how's that for a sudden shift of gears).  Their house is under contract.  Back to the original -- I still have at least two loads to move from the old home - there are still so many memories attached to that house and those trees.

We both hope and know the kids will stop by often.  I think we are now more central and closer to all of them.  I need to think about getting a BBQ.  That is something we used to do a lot of.  Time to enjoy that again.  As always there are many moments to enjoy - so, enjoy them.  Life is truly that simple!

Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1st, 2011 - Moving - New Beginnings

Today our move to our no house ( soon to be a home ) begins.  The Dearman kids are here to help!  We went to a Boston Brunch Bash for Drew and Kindle yesterday.  It is new beginnings for a lot of the members of our family.  A tough one for Mandy, Jeremiah, and Kairi - but a new start non-the-less.

I'm up early in the morning 4:50AM.  But that's just me.  I'll start loading the truck for a first run pretty soon, but I've got to have my cup of coffee first thing.  Carolyn worked her tail off yesterday.  I don't think she realized she had so many clothes and kitchen/pantry items.  All of that has to go to the new house today.  Tomorrow is the day for friends helping and "the truck".  I think one trip will do it.  So, we are moving in the cool of the day.

A not on the mosquitoes... they are abundant this year.  I can't walk out the front or back door without getting attacked.  So bring on the bug spray!  Allergies have been bad the last few weeks as well - so bring on the Benadryl! I guess it is time to get started.  More later!