Monday, April 12, 2010

Writing, Blogging, Journaling, Whatever

I have found it difficult to put my thoughts into words  - at least the written word - of late.  So, it has been awhile since I've updated my blog.  It is probably best to start with the mundane.

I've had a gout attack - I think it was brought on by "fudge" - yah, "fudge".  I don't even know if that is on the list of foods to watch out for.  And, instead of my big toe, its more like that bone that sticks out the side of your food, just below that on the inside of the foot.  It hurts like hell.  yes, I said hell.

I golfed today.  I have not played well for about 4 weeks.  On about the 13th hole, something clicked and my drives started being drives again.  About time.  Now to just try and keep that up.  I've been playing horribly and it isn't as much fun as when I'm playing better - because I know I can play better.  I'll probably play three times this week.  Today, league on Wednesday, and Thursday with Dick.  Dick had the best score today - and he's the oldest among us - 75 I think.  He didn't start playing golf until he was 60 something.    He is such a different person now than when I worked for him.

I think we all change after we retire - for the better.  Some work situations have a very negative impact on us. And if we try and fight that negativity and maintain our personal values -- it can be very stressful.  That's probably why I find retirement so very relaxing.

And so, life goes on -- once I start typing the words seem to flow - its the getting started that's the hard part.  For me, its a healthy thing to get it down - helps me to be in the moment!

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