Friday, April 16, 2010

What Can I Say?

Who comes up with these titles anyway?  I do.  Why are they what they are?  Well these words just seem to strike me when the urge to write strikes me.  That urge has not happened frequently of late - I don't know why, it just hasn't it.  Now Carolyn - such a discipline that lady has -- journals every day, walks 10K every day, yoga and tai chi almost every day.... she's awesome.  

Golf league has started - stepping things up.  I played three times this week - Improved each time, that's the good news and there isn't any bad news.  

We still have not found a home for Katie... the 15th of May is the absolute deadline or I'll be looking for an animal shelter.  I told Carolyn I would make the picture brochure today - go to the vets, PetSmart, PetCo, every thing we could do to make it right and to find her a home.  So I'd best get on that one right away!

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