Thursday, April 29, 2010


Well, today was a good day - like all days.  I got the  sneezes today -- what is in the air, whatever it is, zowie, lots of sneezes.  Canada is closer.  Still have not had the boat in the water.  I have no excuses - at least I think I don't.  Mowing has started, yard clean up is well under way.  I got my wood chipper. It works on twigs, not much else.  I think the blade drum is dull as can be.  I'll figure out how to get it sharpened.

We saw a movie today - "Date Night" - lots of hilarious moments - a pretty good flick, worth seeing.

I played better golf this week.  Looking forward to getting better all the time.... have some great moments ya'll!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The 24th of April - When words don't come!

Maybe they just shouldn't.  what's wrong with a blank mind.  I look out th kitchen window.. Woodpeckers in the apple tree.  Tall fall weeds bending with the wind from the north - trees shaking as if cold - green buds dropping to the ground like rain -- no son for three days now - had to turn the furnace back on - the grandkids slept in the basement and they were cold.

Carolyn is off to her Saturday exercise class.  I told Trenton I'd take him to the movies today - gotta go pick him up.  Squirrels bounding across the top of the chain link fence, then to the neighbors wooden fence.

The grass is moving with the breeze - the tips looking almost silvery as they reflect what light there is breaking through the very overcast grey skies (never do get that word right - gray vs grey).  (oops, glad there's an undo).
Hope the neighbors don't start their wood burning stove... if they do, I'm gonna go see em about the smoke and fumes that get into our house somehow.  That can't be healthy for us.

Saw an eagle again yesterday - that is always such an awesome sight.  I never have my camera with me when I need it - why is that?  There's a pressure change, I can feel it in my ears - you know the feeling.

Buddha is resting at my feet, under the kitchen table.  He likes it by the heat register.  Katie used to like that too.  I wonder how she is getting a long with her new alpha.  I think good, because we have not heard from them lately.

I've communicated with brother Mike almost every day - its awesome - its through a web game, but who cares, it has been a really good reconnection for us - at least for me.  I miss Iowa family more than I think I do.

Our Canada trip is just around the corner now.  Got the Canada clothes out of the closet this morning.  Still have not checked out the boat.  If it were Canada I'd be out on the lake-- but its Colorado so here I sit in the kitchen drinking coffee and writing words that all of a sudden were there to put to the screen

Life is good - each and every moment of it!  Have a great day full of great moments!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Birthday -

It's our eldest son's birthday today - 39.  Carolyn and I called and sang Happy Birthday... hope we don't have to pay a royalty.  It's something we like to do for our kids and grandkids.  He has sure come a long way.  His daughter graduates from high school this year.

We found a home for Katie (one of the dogs) - she'll be very happy with her new owner.  Buddah is taking it very well.

It was Wednesday pie night at Vi - we took Megan with us.  It was a nice time and the triple berry pie was delicious. I just had a salad this evening - because I had my Wednesday hamburger and fries. I played pretty well, 91 - but my putting was absolutely awesome.  Beautiful day! Beautiful moments!

I also bought my wood chipper... and a gas powered edger (used - good price).  Gotta get the yard work started...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Does Katie Have a New Home?

Well, maybe.  We interviewed someone and she really liked Katie... but don't think it worked out.  But she had a friend who Katie may work out with.  Westie's are diggers and Katie dug up her plant bulbs.... What can I see.  I hope the new, new home works out better.

Went to Megan's birthday party today - 21 - our eldest grand daughter - awesome.

So yes, just a few statements of fact or observation as it were.  Not much else to say.  I do hope Katie is happy and does not come back..  I miss her.  I cried, but Katie and Carolyn and I are better off this way.  Buddha is next - when Megan is ready to have him.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I'm Not as Committed as Julie

Carolyn and I are watching Julie Julia.  It is an interesting story - and Julie is far more committed to her daily blog than I am, and a far better writer.

I got my fishing license today, only 11 bucks - but, not permanent, just for the year, but you can't beat 11 bucks. Gotta get that boat out on the lake next week, no ifs, ands, or buts.  My dad used to use that phrase - though I'm not recalling in what context.

I'm thinking I should go hit some balls tomorrow.  Got a box full of golf balls from a friend in Minnesota today.. Mostly Titelist.. used to be I couldn't hit one -- I can now, it was all a defect in the space between my ears. Golf is such a mental game.  Life come to think of it is a mental effort ( not a game_) - more like an adventure - but we do have choices and those choices are somehow made - sometimes in a flash, sometimes painfully slow.

Maybe I'm a bit "manic" - I don't know.    I love life - I love each and every very precious moment.

Getting ready to go to Canada - and Myrtle Beach....   Life is good, no, life is great - I wish I could say that like Tony the Tiger!

Friday, April 16, 2010

What Can I Say?

Who comes up with these titles anyway?  I do.  Why are they what they are?  Well these words just seem to strike me when the urge to write strikes me.  That urge has not happened frequently of late - I don't know why, it just hasn't it.  Now Carolyn - such a discipline that lady has -- journals every day, walks 10K every day, yoga and tai chi almost every day.... she's awesome.  

Golf league has started - stepping things up.  I played three times this week - Improved each time, that's the good news and there isn't any bad news.  

We still have not found a home for Katie... the 15th of May is the absolute deadline or I'll be looking for an animal shelter.  I told Carolyn I would make the picture brochure today - go to the vets, PetSmart, PetCo, every thing we could do to make it right and to find her a home.  So I'd best get on that one right away!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Writing, Blogging, Journaling, Whatever

I have found it difficult to put my thoughts into words  - at least the written word - of late.  So, it has been awhile since I've updated my blog.  It is probably best to start with the mundane.

I've had a gout attack - I think it was brought on by "fudge" - yah, "fudge".  I don't even know if that is on the list of foods to watch out for.  And, instead of my big toe, its more like that bone that sticks out the side of your food, just below that on the inside of the foot.  It hurts like hell.  yes, I said hell.

I golfed today.  I have not played well for about 4 weeks.  On about the 13th hole, something clicked and my drives started being drives again.  About time.  Now to just try and keep that up.  I've been playing horribly and it isn't as much fun as when I'm playing better - because I know I can play better.  I'll probably play three times this week.  Today, league on Wednesday, and Thursday with Dick.  Dick had the best score today - and he's the oldest among us - 75 I think.  He didn't start playing golf until he was 60 something.    He is such a different person now than when I worked for him.

I think we all change after we retire - for the better.  Some work situations have a very negative impact on us. And if we try and fight that negativity and maintain our personal values -- it can be very stressful.  That's probably why I find retirement so very relaxing.

And so, life goes on -- once I start typing the words seem to flow - its the getting started that's the hard part.  For me, its a healthy thing to get it down - helps me to be in the moment!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Birthday Girl

I guess, like any 7 year old, the shirt says it all.  We had a great time at the Hard Rock Cafe... plenty to eat, lots of smiles, fair food - I don't know how the burgers were, the BBQ was average at best.  But, most importantly, the company was really good and the birthday girl (who picked the place) was very, very happy.

My ankle hurts - don't know why.

Looking forward to the masters - good to see Tiger playing again - I could care less about his private life - that's private.

Had 2" of snow on the ground this morning, folks were playing golf, soccer, and whatever in their shorts this afternoon - that's Colorado for you.

Letters about Canada started to flow today - its only 6 short weeks away.

golf lesson on Saturday.  Looking forward to playing some golf with my grandsons later this year - and with Wolfgang as early as the 2nd week of May.  I played in the snow on Tuesday - 57, 47 - not good, but, my wedges and irons were much better than last week - so of course another part of the game had to go to pieces - law of golf... at least for us occasional golfers.  the golf course, one place I ought really be in the moment eh!

Monday, April 5, 2010

"Peaceful Warrior"

A movie - "Peaceful Warrior" - about an athlete, a gymnast  - rings.  The movie is about life and about the moments of life and being in the moment - it is worth watching and really has some strong life lessons.

Yup, that's me at Myrtle Beach.  I know it is a quick change of subject - but I'm playing golf in the morning. And I just erased half of what i wrote.  So what the heck... It wasn't meant to be said.

Carolyn and I are watching "Slumdog Millionaire" - another good movie.

We thought we had a home for Katie - well it didn't work out, so looking again.  Life is good - and the present moment is fantastic!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Life's Challenges

What can I say.  Yes, this was just a few days ago.  And it really isn't what is on my mind, but what is on my mind isn't for this particular venue.  Life is full of challenges - some easier than others.

This was easy, the sun took care of the problem.  Other things are not quite so easy - but nature and her assistants help us to take care of many things.  Surely these meandering words don't mean much to those that may read them... maybe they want even remind me, sometime in the future what I was thinking.  It did all start on April Fool's day and it may need be over for some time - but it will come to an end and all will be right with the world.

I have my pick up truck back, full of gasoline as requested.  I'll be able to get the boat and trailer hooked up and take it out to the lake for spin and especially to give the motor a good test.  Last time I had it out - I forgot to drop the peg so that the pitch of the motor was correct - I was wondering why it didn't seem to have much oomph.

I took a golf lesson today.  I also had the lie of the clubs adjusted.  So much more consistent results now.  Looking forward to playing next week - and to many wonderful moments.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools Day

I don't know what the history is and I really don't care.  Today was about family - those who live close and those that are far away.  No matter the distance, family is the most important relationship we have.  Even if we are not getting along we can depend on one another -- even if we see each other's faults, we love each other, even if we can't see each other, we can feel each other - we have our differences but we also have so much joy and the very many things that we share - the moments that we have had together and apart make us who we are.

In sharing our sorrows - we reduce the sorrow that we might otherwise bear alone. (not sure that's the right word - burden is what I mean).  This all has nothing to do with April fools day, but it all came up today.  Thank you family for all of your most precious support, thoughts, prayers, for the gift of you!