Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day 2012... 3:23 AM or So

I'm not sure why it is that I'm having a somewhat "sleepless" night.  It occurs from time to time, this is one of those times.  I was hoping one of my sibs from Iowa would be on-line today so that I could arrange to meet with Mum via Skype.  I am committed to calling each of them later today.

Carolyn and I are pretty much "alone" today at least for now, and pretty much were alone yesterday.  Rosana dropped by - she was taking Kairi and Tyler and her sister to the movies.  I can't wait to see the new Hobbit flick.  It looks to be a really great adventure.

There are lots of things to think about in the next few weeks:
  • Canada 2013 - I think we need to renew our passports
  • Myrtle Beach - picking dates may be tougher than usual.  I'm thinking about sending a survey via Survey Monkey to the guys.  We have to decide when, where, how many rounds - lots of decisions.
  • Travel - Branson, and where ever else we decide to go.  
  • Our April trip - Carolyn has a conference in Erueka Springs, I'm gonna go fishing
  • Golf - one thing I really enjoy - and I've improved immensely.  I've got my handicap down to a bit over 12.
  • Letting go of the tragic events that have occurred in 2012 - both personally and well, publicly
  • Lew's fight with cancer
  • Replacing some of the flooring in the new house
  • Finally fixing the sprinkler system at the old digs
  • Being thankful for so much that there is to be thankful
  • Living in the moment
  • Supporting Carolyn in her many endeavors
  • Continuing with WTF and personal training
  •  De- cluttering  - that means removing things that we no longer need or use - there's a lot of that
  •  A new, more powerful computer... I've been meaning to make some movies from old clips, gotta do it - Just Do It
As I make this "list" I am reminded that I really don't like lists. So, enough for now.  I'm looking forward to a wonderful day.  Please, have one yourself.  Happy Hollidays!

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