Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Day Before the Last Day of 2012

Sitting here playing Mafia Wars, Reviewing video tapes on DVD and cataloging them in a new FMP database.  Finally getting things in order so I can later put some quality stuff together.  I also have a project to finish for Heather.  That's actually what I'm working on right now.

At the moment I'm wishing I had a new, faster computer with a 1 Terra byte drive.

Watching the videos, trying to determine dates.. mostly by the age of the kids and time of the year.  Sure is fun though.  You can tell by watching what great parents Heather and Eric are.  The kids seem to be so "free spirited".  

Speaking of "free Spirits", I think I have some in the cupboard.  Might be time for a Sunday morning Bloody Mary...  Excuse me for a few minutes whilst I make one!  (Made... I had to fold my laundry too!)

Well, as for the rest of the day, I'm looking forward to watching the game with the Fahlenkamps in Parker.  Who knows what else the day will bring.  Let the surprises and fun begin.

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