Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Adagio from Piano Concerto No 5

Played by the Archangelos Chamber Ensemble.  Certain music touches me to the very core... this is one of them.  As I listen I visualize so much and feel so much emotion - right to the very depths of my heart.  I am thankful for all that I have been given - mostly for the people in my life - for Carolyn our children and grandchildren, for Mom and Dad and all of my brothers and sisters... very their parents... for Carolyn's family Joseph and Margaret and all of their kids and spouses and family.  I am thankful for all the people I had the pleasure of knowing at Lockheed Martin and House of TV Repair and Ellis Superette, the United States Air Force, the Easter Islanders..AFTAC friends and families.   I am thankful for all the teachers and professors that tried to teach me.  I am thankful for neighbors past and present.  I am thankful for all those who have provided service, paper boys and girls, postal workers, store clerks, for people like Virgil and Goodyear and Art. I am thankful for all the players that I have had the pleasure to golf with, the Loggie's Leagure, Fitzsimons Men's Association, the Myrtle Beach gang.  I am thankful for the folks I've had the pleasure to sing with, play with, study with.  I'm thankful for the priests in my life-especially Father Nevans - I am thankful for the couples we worked with in World Wide Marriage Encounter and for their families.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of folks that touch us in our lives.. and from each and every one of them we learn something.  I am thankful for you-- whoever you are and wherever you are, for whatever you do and for whatever talents you have - I am thankful!

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