Monday, July 26, 2010

Follow Up to Last

So today - I'm going for veggies and fruits - no meat whatsoever... I even had a Southwestern Blackbean Salad when I ate out with the guys after golf.  Pretty good - a bit pricey I thought.

I also joined Silver Sneakers - and Carolyn bought me some -- with silver sparklies.... Tuesdays and Thursdays will be my days, and maybe, Friday mornings.  We do have a great Center for Active Adults here in Aurora.  Now, I'm not going to be as "active" as Carolyn, but I do hope to slim down and tone up some ( a lot actually).  I have to if I'm going to make 116.

That bird is still nesting in the little house in the tree out front.  I have no idea why, but they are fun to watch.

I've been working on a design for a front yard patio - nothing fancy or expensive, but a nice place to sit on a cool evening - If I can figure out how to keep the skeeters away.

Kairi and Gramma Carolyn are swimming.  they'll be home soon and I'll still be sitting here with this computer.  I think I'm on it more now that I'm retired, but it is a lot more fun!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On Thinking of Being a Vegetarian (and my sister's birthday)

No kidding - I've been giving this vegetarian thing a lot of thought - then it strikes me, never to taste a crab, a piece of fried chicken, a nice juicy fillet mignon, walleye, catfish again.  so I say to myself after I eat one more each of these, then maybe.  Well that would take years -  !  then again, there's always going it cold turkey (no pun intended.)  So, how do I go about this, because I do think I am serious.  (Is there some in between, like a fishaterian - I might could do that. )  What about eggs, I love eggs - eating them that is.  I'll have to look up all the rules.

Carolyn asked me to watch this show called - "Eating".  Well its like we eat ourselves to death - but, I've also seen folks at 112 that were not vegetarians.  They just ate could portions, had a shot of vodka every day and didn't live in the city - that's another approach to it I guess.  So, why this sudden interest or urge?????  Frankly, I don't know the answer to that one either - but it is definitely there.

I know that I have to lose weight.  I've known that for some time.  I'm joining Silver Sneakers - I have an appointment with the head physical training maven on Thursday.  Carolyn is dedicated - I need educated - but am not dedicated (more obsessive I think she is, but it works for her!)

Oh, yes, it is my sister's birthday today - Happy Birthday Jacque-lee (pronounced Jack - lee.)  In the photo, I'm the good looking dude on the left - she's the cute chick sitting next to me.  She's changed a bit over the years, but then haven't we all.    (Sister Sharon isn't in this picture for some reason -  )

Well - thats all for the moment - maybe I'll take this vegetarian thing slow - one or two meats a week (one red - although I've really cut back on red meat - one white - fish, chicken, pork - that sort of thing).  Eggs will be tough - maybe vegetarian's can eat eggs, I don't even know that one.  So, lots to learn and lots more to think about - why would I change my ways now?  Well life is definitely about change - "the only constant in life is change!" Not my words, that's why the quotation marks - but, I have no idea who first said it - probably Anonymous (that guy or gal says a lot of things that eventually become very famous quotations.)  Anyway, I'm rambling, that's my way -- live some great moments today.  Each and every one of em is yours to do with as you please - life is all about choices.  We make some good ones, some outstanding ones, and some of us, some very bad ones - and hopefully we learn from all of them!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Virtigo - Sticker Shock - other stuff

Ambulance - 1350 dollars
Emergency Room - 2350 dollars
A healthy wife - priceless....

How did it get this way.  Its more than a lot of people make in a couple of months.  I got to grouse a bit anyway.  

I have three new mosquito bites.  Some golf courses have lots more than others - location, location, location -- this one happened to have a lot of swampy areas, so, I guess, a lot of mosquitoes.

I highly recommend Pat O'shay's bar and grill in Longmont.  Good atmosphere, great menu and excellent food.  I had a burrito.  That was after a round of golf.  55/46 - one of my poor front nines - no money changed hands, the match was even up - I lost the front and won the back.  My drives are very inconsistent - that is because my set up is different every time - you'd think I could remember and take the same set up much more consistently.  It is just a simple visual picture.  Oh well.

It has been terribly hot in the afternoon - I hope it starts cooling down a bit.  We've had moisture, but none lately, so I turned the sprinkler system on.  One of the heads in the front yard needs fixed-- I think it got ran over by a car.  some folks came down the other day and said they had nipped the bumper on the pick up and drove up on to the yard -  pick up was okay so no harm done, I didn't think to check sprinkler heads -- now that I look the tire tracks are right over them - so that is probably what happened.

Gutter guys are coming over this morning - gonna get an estimate on new gutters - absolutely pine needle and leaf proof - we'll see.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

There's No Sleep Like It

Your sitting in a comfy chair,  the computer is on your lap (it is, after all, a laptop)... your finger is on the touch pad... 1/2 hour later you wake up to find -- well, you've been out for 1/2 hour....

My Birthday Has Come and Gone

65 Years Young -  that's the PC way to say it these days.  My daughter, Kindle, made me a Black Bottom Pie - an old recipe.  She had to make the effort to get the recipe from my sister Lana - get all the ingredients... awesome and it tasted it great.

The day was really nothing super special, Kindle and Drew dropped by.  Heather forgot, but Carolyn reminded her and I got a really nice hug.  Miah called - all in all it was nice.  We went out to the Fresh Fish Company - one of our favorites.  Boy has it gotten pricey though.

I felt the need to write today - nothing really philosophical or very important.  Well what a surprise, sister Patti just called to wish me a Happy Birthday.  We had a very nice conversation... made my day.  She sounded very happy - well... enough for now.  Write more later.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Moments, Precious Moments

Yesterday - was a rescue day.  Carolyn locked the keys in the trunk of the car.  Rescued.  An event later that evening rescued... but that event brought to home how very precious our moments with each other are.  Lanny, call mom at least once a week.  What about staying in touch with your brothers and sisters?  Why not do the things you want to do.  Call th grandkids.. Going to the movie with Trenton on Friday.  That is definitely a good thing.

I didn't play golf this morning. Rescuing again.  Yesterday I also fixed the screen door and tried to clean the windows.  I used everything, windex, super windex, vinegar and water, soap and water... some of the dirt on the screen door windows is so baked on, I can't get it off.  Any hints.

I talked to sister Sharon the other day.  That was  nice.  Well, maybe I'll write more later today - and, maybe I'll find a picture too.  I like pictures.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Little Sister's Birthday

My sister Patti has a birthday today.  We called and sang - Carolyn and I.  Patti was at work at the new Safety Center in Montezuma.  This is the Patti I remember as a kid... I have a lot of very nice memories of her when she lived here in Colorado.  She now has a ranch or "ranchette" in Iowa -- where they board horses and such.  Frankly, I don't know how old she is this year - she still looks damn good.

My birthday approaches and sister Jacque-lee (pronounced Jack-lee) has one in July as well.  I told you I had family on my mind the last few weeks.

I think we'll be taking a trip back to Iowa later this year.  The "Class of 63" is having a reunion - it has been scheduled for homecoming weekend - nice touch me thinks.

Carolyn and I watched a DVD of Depak Chopra - 7 Spiritual Steps of Success - a lot like The Secret  - but different as well.  I think it was very interesting.  We also went to see "Shrek" (the newest one).  It got off to a very slow start, but once Donkey got involved - it was a lot better.  All in all it is worth a viewing.

Well as Depak says "be in the moment you are in..."  I agree.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Good Things

Kids, and grandkids, moms and dads, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles - good friends, pets, birds, squirrels, most all animals, eagles, crickets singing at night, fishing, music, golf, life, moments, smells, feelings, tears, joy, sorrow, tickets to a show you love, theater, art, air conditioners in the summer, heaters in the winter, rain - I love the small and feel of rain, fishing, places to go, a home and roof over my head, a good night's sleep, a fresh cup of coffee, Coca Cola Cherry Zero, a good single malt scotch, a great glass of wine, babies, grandparents, kisses, making love, leaning, moments, the smell of fresh mown grass, discovering, adventure, camping, staying in a nice hotel, dining at your favorite restaurant, Samurai movies, chalk, rubber bands, tickling, being tickled, laughter, a child's first words, a good debate, water, food, chocolate, mint chocolate chip ice cream, windmills, traditions, challenging tradition, UFOs, smiles, grins, old fashioned donuts, apples - nice and crisp, a lettuce wedge covered with blue cheese dressing, catching night crawlers, fireworks, taking risks, tenderness, compassion, letting go, feeling free, being me, you being you, helping a friend, being a friend, sunrises and sunsets, the moon, the stars, musical instruments of all kinds, flying first class on a long flight, train rides, playing cards, Dilbert, Woody Woodpecker, a child's first steps... there's a few seconds worth of thoughts!!!!!!