Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Treip day - 6 - I figured that out...

Carolyn is all set!  It was a bit cooler yesterday - but the sun was still bright.  The boat is running good.  Adjusted the trim today - I don't have power trim - so it is a bit more difficult than one might think.    

For some strange reason I'm sad today.  I don't know why, just am.  Perhaps I will figure it out, perhaps I won't - I don't think it makes any difference.  My brother and I will be getting up a bit early (though not earlier than today when we were the first on the water) to do some serious Northern Pike fishing.    I think he's hands down, a better Pike fisherman than I am.  We'll certainly find out.  

Carolyn caught the nicest fish in our boat today.  Picture tomorrow -- enjoy your moments folks, each and every one of them!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Trip day - a, hmmmm Not sure

Must be having a good time if I don't know what day it is.  It is beautiful up here, but I'm a pint low on blood after today's walk with Carolyn.  Talk about mosquitoes and not being ready for 'em.

The fishing has been really good.  We had plenty to eat Saturday evening and Sunday evening.  tonight is grill night.  Wes caught a really nice northern - 26" - just under the slot limit up here.  I'm a bit testy today - well a lot testy.  Because, I really didn't want to go for a walk -- and then the mosquitoes got me - and, I forgot the stuff that you put on the mosquito bites.

Carolyn started her puzzle - now way will it get done because Glenn and Marci aren't here to help and the rest of us really are not puzzlers.  Though we are puzzled.

I'll add a picture later of Wes's big fish...

Friday, May 21, 2010

the Trip - day 3

This happened yesterday, so what.  Carolyn was a like a kid in a candy store.  what the heck, it was sort of on the way.  She took lots of pictures which will be posted to Facebook or somewhere.

Today we drove from Kenora to Ignace.  A short drive.  We had pizza at a Pizza Hut in Dreyden... Not your grandfather's Pizza Hut.  Totally different menu than the US - and, it was fabulous.  We had a Greek Salad and a Mediterranean  Pizza - really, really good.  We got all our groceries for camp and are having a restful evening a the White Otter Inn - we've stopped here for the past few years.  They made some nice improvements and the water in Ignace is finally drinkable!

Tomorrow morning, breakfast, petrol (that's what they call it up here), and minnows -- then headed North!  Life is good - nawwwwww, it is absolutely great!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Trip - day 2

I know, I kinda missed reporting on day 1 -- 3 hours driving in the rain, but we made it all the way through the Black Hills - ate lunch at Cheyene crossing... It was awesome.  A quaint restaurant on the corner (crossing) Wyoming to the Dakotas.  The food was outstanding and the people - well they were real.

We drove on to I94 - and stayed at the Trail Blazer - it was fine.  this morning we drove to Bismark.  We spent about 3 hours in Bismark.  Why, because the Alien Cafe Bar and Grill didn't open until 1lAM so we had to kill a couple of hours at Starbucks.  By about 10PM Central we were in Kenora, Ontario -- The further east we got, the prettier it got.  We've driven Highway 1 many times.  It is said to see that Graffiti has drifted North of the border.  This is the first year we saw graffiti on the cliffs along the highway.  It was kinda sad.

We'll do our final shopping tomorrow in Dryden, then on to Ignace for the night.  Vern's in the morning. (After breakfast) then on up to Press Lake.  Lake of the Woods looked beautiful.  Seems dryer up here than it was last year.  So much to enjoy - each moment is so full of so much!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

12 Hours and Counting

Rain, sun, rain, sun, rain... all ready to go.. Pictorial blog on the way.  I can't find my fire wire?  Where did that thing go.  Watching NCIS  One of my favorite shows.  I guess I'll have to take the darn card out for the picture. Oh well - I was hoping.  It is more of a nuisance than anything.  Running through that mental check list, just to make sure we have not forgotten anything, but, we will have forgotten something - that is just the way it is.  I will find that cable, I will.  This is about 1/3 of the stuff for the two of us.  All packed and ready to go by 5PM.
I can't wait to set the hook on a big walleye.  I really am anxious to have one for dinner too.  I'm so happy that two of my siblings will be there this year.  Mike and Lana - awesome.  This will be a fantastic trip with some fantastic fishing.  Many, many, many enjoyable and extraordinary moments!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday - Starbucks - Swell Stuff

We are here once again, hoping against hope that one of the kids will show up.  we have an open invitation - may have to buy your own offer.  Perhaps - not always -- we will buy.  Miah and Mandy were here for Mother's day.  Chad and family looked all over for us, but didn't find the right spot.  So much for keeping cell phones secret.  (remember they are for away from home and travel only!)

Trip to Canada is soooo close.  We usually pack too much or too little, maybe this year we'll get it just right.  Not...but, it is a dream.  I keep think take this, no, don't need it, won't use it.   Got the boat ready yesterday, th spare tire is good - but I need a lug nut wrench..  more later.

Surprise, Surprise, Drew and Kindle dropped in.  Cool They are looking good.  Makes a mom and dad very happy!  And another surprise -- Heather got there early - so we were able to enjoy her and Aubrey...  Later, Susan and Larry came by.  It made for some wonderful conversation, catching up, joy, laughter - really wonderful.

So, now I'm snacking on chips and getting more and more excited about heading North..

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Not Quite a Broken Heart

My heart is not broken, but it is saddened.   There's a certain fickleness about human relationships.  It is hard to understand, sometimes, the intricacies  of the human psyche.  There is a book and has been many written on the subject.  I've read a few of them.  Somehow they don't come close to the connection that there is between head and heart -- or, is it all just emotion or ego or whatever.

It is a blessing that we are all so very different, but it is also a curse.  I guess that is the yin and yang of life isn't it. It is what makes us make war I think.  We are so "intolerant" of the slightest foibles -- sometimes even in the ones we love so dearly.  It is said (at least I think it is) "you can only be hurt by the ones you love!"  And that can hurt so very much.  At times I think neither party or parties really know what has been done, nor what can be done to heal the rifts.

It is sad, but sometimes one can not be sure there is a rift -- or, is it just a miscommunication!  I miscommunicate a lot - which at least means I'm trying to communicate.  But when there is none - is it because that is the way it is desired - or because, just because.

The grass (changing subject) is particularly green this morning.  It is that way following two days of rain and snow and more rain to come.  Canada is just a few days away.

Our grand daughter Autumn graduates and will start a big change in her life --

Buddha is looking for just the right spot!   How do they (dogs) know when they have found just right spot.  It is easier for me to drift from a difficult topic than to continue to write about it.

I've tried - I think, but maybe not hard enough- these are the moments that can be difficult - but there is always a sunrise after the sunset... day after day after day and that is a very good thing!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Where does it go? Time?

It is what it is.  A second is a second, a minute a minute, and so on.  Though there has been some research that supposedly shows why time seems to pass faster as we age -- I suppose if I looked it up, I could give you a web link... but who the heck cares as long as you endeavor to enjoy each and every second, minute, and so on that you have!  Nuff said on that subject.

But - I've been remiss, yet again, at maintaining my daily blog (journal), missives, thoughts and such.

The weather, believe it or not, is rain turning to snow this evening - with 4-10" of white stuff expected.  It will be heavy and wet if that happens.  Obviously I'm hoping it doesn't.  But, it has already started to rain and the temperature is dropping.  Tomorrow's golf tournament has already been cancelled.  As luck would have it I have a tee time Friday at Ptarmigan - so no biggy.  ( I guess biggy isn't a word as the spell checker shows a wavy red line beneath the word.  I could care less, I'm using the word anyway.)  Why shouldn't I?  Lockheed Martin coined many a word in their whitepapers and such.  If they can do it, I can do it.

How about that big stock market scare the other day!  I'm hoping they find out what was behind that.  I think there needs to be a few more safeguards against all the problems that this automated computer trading can cause.  Perhaps we should go back to some of the more tried and true ways.  Then again.. who knows.  Maybe the same thing could have happened.  It just seems to volitile right now.

Well that's it, that's all she wrote (I wrote) and can think of to write.  Canada is less than 10 days away.  I am so looking forward to hitting the road and backing the boat into the water to wet a line and catch my first walleye of the year!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Saddlerock - Nothing but Uphill

Saddlerock is a great golf course.  I'll not walk it again.  16 holes are up hill -- 2 par 3's bring you back down to a mile high.  What a trudge.  But, once again, our foursome of seniors (one 75 year old) was complemented on our excellent pace of play.  We played the course in 4 hours and 10 minutes.  I shot a 97 - Loren had the best score of the day, 94 - he was really driving and putting well.

It was windy.  Tomorrow is league at Fitz.  I may just ride a cart. Buddha still has a sore paw, but i think it is getting better.  He enjoyed playing laser light this evening.  But he still favors it.  I need to find out how serious Megan is about taking him.  He loves sitting on the couch with us.

Well, getting close to Canada time.  Got lots today, best get with the program!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Get Real

That's another one of those words that has a different meaning depending on how it's spelled.  You know, get real or reel? What a way to start the day.  Only about 19.5 days to hitting the road to Canada and still so much to do.  We got the boat out on Cherry Creek - all is well.  We passed the Zebra Snail inspection with flying colors, though there was a bit of winter wet still in the tank - I don't understand that, because the boat was well covered for the winter.

Lawn clean up today - looking for the Canada coin and paper money - put it in an envelope marked CANADA - somewhere.  You know, one of those safe and sure places where you know (no) you can find it at a moments notice.  Kinda like everything else I can't find when I need it - tape measure, volt meter, pliers, hammer, flat bladed screw driver, 1/8" drill bit, golf shoe spike wrench and on and on and on.  Like mom once told me "It's a good thing your head is attached!"

I'm betting all mom's tell there kids that one.  I think I told one or more of my kids that - I've never heard of so many lost keys, drivers licenses, school identifications, and of course - home work!

We broke down and got cell phones again.  The absolute cheapest, no contract, pay as you go phones we could find - how else are you gonna call AAA when you need em, or find your spouse in a Walmart?  So, they are dubbed urgent use only - and that seems to have a pretty broad definition.  We say its one for the car and one for the truck... we've stuck by that pretty well.

Buddha hurt his foot.  I've got to take him to the vets this morning.  I'm not sure what happened, but he limps or hobbles and sleeps a lot. Dogs seem to know how to heal.  They know a lot of other things too, like how to love unconditionally.  He so wanted to play chase the laser light last night, but just couldn't do it.  He stares at the laser toy (hanging on the wall) when he wants to play.  Funny how he can hear me take it off the hook from three rooms away - now there's something I don't lose?  Why is that?

Have a great day, week, month, year, decade, century!  Here's to yah!