Monday, December 31, 2012

The Day Before New Beginnings Day

I really enjoyed watching the Broncos cream KC yesterday.  It was especially fun because I was with family - Chad and his gang in Parker.  The food was great too, and the scotch... but, especially the company.  Carolyn went to see a play with Autumn, Kairi, and Tarra (not sure of spelling).

Today will be a day for reflection and living in the moment.. with a few moments of looking into the mirror of the year to come. I've come to the conclusion that I like quiet... Not a lot of talking going on around me.  Maybe that's why hermitage doesn't sound so bad.

My mind is overwhelmed with a lot of "nonsense" this morning.  Why is that.  It just is what it is - to quote a cliche' . 

I'm thinking I should post a picture here somewhere - but, a picture of what.  Suddenly, and it isn't unusual, I've gone totally blank.  sort of like the rest of this electronic sheet of paper!  Ooops, I couldn't help myself.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Day Before the Last Day of 2012

Sitting here playing Mafia Wars, Reviewing video tapes on DVD and cataloging them in a new FMP database.  Finally getting things in order so I can later put some quality stuff together.  I also have a project to finish for Heather.  That's actually what I'm working on right now.

At the moment I'm wishing I had a new, faster computer with a 1 Terra byte drive.

Watching the videos, trying to determine dates.. mostly by the age of the kids and time of the year.  Sure is fun though.  You can tell by watching what great parents Heather and Eric are.  The kids seem to be so "free spirited".  

Speaking of "free Spirits", I think I have some in the cupboard.  Might be time for a Sunday morning Bloody Mary...  Excuse me for a few minutes whilst I make one!  (Made... I had to fold my laundry too!)

Well, as for the rest of the day, I'm looking forward to watching the game with the Fahlenkamps in Parker.  Who knows what else the day will bring.  Let the surprises and fun begin.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


I've started a project of cataloging all of the old VHS, Super 8, Digital 8 and other videos that I have transcribed to DVD.  It is an arduous, but very loving task.  This morning I watched a video of a Collins family reunion held at a hotel in Iowa.  All of Mom's brothers and sisters will still alive at the time.  Now it is only Mom and Uncle Jim.  It is strange that I can not remember many of my cousins names... We did not live close together, nor were we necessarily a very close family - I'm nos sure I ever knew some of their names at all - especially Uncle Lew and Aunt Delores's kids, and Uncle Jimmy and Kathy's kids.

Carolyn's family and the kids and cousins are much closer - maybe it is part of Hispanic culture - or maybe it is just their nature.  There are wonderful videos of past Christmas celebrations, birthdays, vacations, and just fooling around.  My next part of the project will be to make the most of these memories....  Spend a little time in the past.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Adagio from Piano Concerto No 5

Played by the Archangelos Chamber Ensemble.  Certain music touches me to the very core... this is one of them.  As I listen I visualize so much and feel so much emotion - right to the very depths of my heart.  I am thankful for all that I have been given - mostly for the people in my life - for Carolyn our children and grandchildren, for Mom and Dad and all of my brothers and sisters... very their parents... for Carolyn's family Joseph and Margaret and all of their kids and spouses and family.  I am thankful for all the people I had the pleasure of knowing at Lockheed Martin and House of TV Repair and Ellis Superette, the United States Air Force, the Easter Islanders..AFTAC friends and families.   I am thankful for all the teachers and professors that tried to teach me.  I am thankful for neighbors past and present.  I am thankful for all those who have provided service, paper boys and girls, postal workers, store clerks, for people like Virgil and Goodyear and Art. I am thankful for all the players that I have had the pleasure to golf with, the Loggie's Leagure, Fitzsimons Men's Association, the Myrtle Beach gang.  I am thankful for the folks I've had the pleasure to sing with, play with, study with.  I'm thankful for the priests in my life-especially Father Nevans - I am thankful for the couples we worked with in World Wide Marriage Encounter and for their families.

It never ceases to amaze me the number of folks that touch us in our lives.. and from each and every one of them we learn something.  I am thankful for you-- whoever you are and wherever you are, for whatever you do and for whatever talents you have - I am thankful!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day 2012... 3:23 AM or So

I'm not sure why it is that I'm having a somewhat "sleepless" night.  It occurs from time to time, this is one of those times.  I was hoping one of my sibs from Iowa would be on-line today so that I could arrange to meet with Mum via Skype.  I am committed to calling each of them later today.

Carolyn and I are pretty much "alone" today at least for now, and pretty much were alone yesterday.  Rosana dropped by - she was taking Kairi and Tyler and her sister to the movies.  I can't wait to see the new Hobbit flick.  It looks to be a really great adventure.

There are lots of things to think about in the next few weeks:
  • Canada 2013 - I think we need to renew our passports
  • Myrtle Beach - picking dates may be tougher than usual.  I'm thinking about sending a survey via Survey Monkey to the guys.  We have to decide when, where, how many rounds - lots of decisions.
  • Travel - Branson, and where ever else we decide to go.  
  • Our April trip - Carolyn has a conference in Erueka Springs, I'm gonna go fishing
  • Golf - one thing I really enjoy - and I've improved immensely.  I've got my handicap down to a bit over 12.
  • Letting go of the tragic events that have occurred in 2012 - both personally and well, publicly
  • Lew's fight with cancer
  • Replacing some of the flooring in the new house
  • Finally fixing the sprinkler system at the old digs
  • Being thankful for so much that there is to be thankful
  • Living in the moment
  • Supporting Carolyn in her many endeavors
  • Continuing with WTF and personal training
  •  De- cluttering  - that means removing things that we no longer need or use - there's a lot of that
  •  A new, more powerful computer... I've been meaning to make some movies from old clips, gotta do it - Just Do It
As I make this "list" I am reminded that I really don't like lists. So, enough for now.  I'm looking forward to a wonderful day.  Please, have one yourself.  Happy Hollidays!