Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What Am I doing At this Time of Day?

Well, for one thing, I do know it is very early - 3:45 AM.  My mind is just racing.  I had this strange dream about throwing a green tomato at a house - then offering the green tomato to my friends to eat.  They all said they liked "fried green tomatoes" ... except for the person who lived in the house - she said "I'll never eat part of that tomato."  How weird is that?

I'm looking out my study window - obviously I'm writing, but I'm also prepping an old HP Media PC to give to Kairi -- but really, this statement started with - looking out my study window - the moon is awesome!  A beautiful bright white - with the old man in the moon face looking gently down on the sleepy neighborhood.  I think I'd like a cup of coffee, my stomach feels a bit empty.

Today is the last "fix it" day for the old house before Miah gets back from his trip to Seattle - a Zumeiz management meeting.  He loves those "management meetings" - really, he does.  He says it is a fantastic company to work for.  I'm so glad he really likes what he is doing.

(Just had an IM with LS - technology can be a wonderful thing!)  Oh yah, on the "mind racing" thing -- it is a very slow race.....!

And we've reached the finish line.  TTFN - may all your moments be wonderful!

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