Monday, May 7, 2012

Well Heck - Time to Write eH

Yes, it has been almost one month.  I've been doing these fewer and farer between posts.  Not that I'm lazy or don't have anything to write - more like retirement keeps one very very busy.  The weather has kept things cool the past few days.  My golf game is erratic at best - like 39 on the front and 50 on the back (or worse).  I need to break all my drivers.

My boat trailer is broken.. but, the good news, I think Wendfal's dad can fix the broken part.  He picked it up Saturday - even after I screwed up the directions to our house.  For some reason I always get Prentice and Progress Drive ( we live on Progress Avenue) mixed up. 

Today is a drizzly day and cool, less than 50 degrees. Instead of golfing I'm sitting here catching up on paperwork, blogs, websites, games, solitude, and mostly thinking about the upcoming trip to Canada.  It is an annual outing with LS (that's "Little Sister"), Jack, and her "guest" of the year.  I told Wolfgang I was sorry not to take him this year, but I needed another driver.  Last year I did all the driving (2800 miles round trip)... and it is tiring -- at least for me.  Carolyn and I have a newer truck now.  She likes driving the pickup - so, she will be sharing the driving duties.  She's okay with that, as long as I promised to stop at the "Alien Cafe" in South Dakota.  (Yes, the food was pretty good! - so it is worth the short side trip... gotta fill the tank anyhow.)

I'm anxious to get the trailer fixed so I can get the boat out on the water and test it out.  I beat it up pretty bad last year.  Wolfgang remembers.

So, enough for the moment - may all your moments be wonderful! Awesome!  Fantastic! Joyful! and filled with love!

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