Wednesday, April 30, 2008

May Basket Day

I remember such a day. Neat little baskets of mints, candy, left on the doorstep of a friend. Just another social event that has gone by the wayside.

Took the boat out on the water today- the inaugural or maiden voyage if you will. At least under this ownership. Carolyn and I went to Cherry Creek Reservoir -- I gotta tell you, these boaters were friendlier and more helpful than a lot of folks I've met around here. Getting the boat launched, getting it back out of the water and on to the trailer. We took away a lot of lessons - like don't forget to undo all the tie downs -- the boat wants to stay on the trailer if you don't.

Motor all the way up or it scrapes the bottom. We certainly have a list of things to do - new tie lines, a couple of dock bumpers, store before you go, better battery holder, put the fuel hose on in the right direction -- there is actually an arrow on the ball! I never noticed that before.

Also, even if the light turns green on the battery charger, it doesn't mean the battery is good. So, one more new battery coming up.

How many horses did it take to pull a stage coach. 8 isn't much to push a boat through the water. i'm a looking for something bigger. May have to dip into some savings before going to Canada.

Definitely need to organize the stowing -- and know what is where.

By the way, Carolyn got the only bite -- we actually did a little fishing. what a gorgeous day and what a great place to be.

We, Carolyn and I, were both very pleased with this afternoon's brief adventure. Oh gosh and we really need a better way to tie down the battery! Those suckers are heavy!!!!!! I think it is time for a Haiku --

On the lake
Gulls, Pelicans, Sails
A breeze breaks the calm!

have an excellent day! Value and live each and every moment!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Where are you Montezuma

Yesterday I tried getting hold of telephones in Montezuma. Area code 641-623-whatever. No rings. I talked to my sister. I guess the phones and internet got hit by a big lightning bolt a few days back. I was happy that there cell phones still work. I'll have to check today and see if they are back in business.

I was pretty much raised in Montezuma - well 2nd grade on - but grew up there. Its a place where mom could let us out of the house and we could go hiking around Diamond Lake or the woods - exploring to our hearts content.

That's where we had our dogs, King, Harold, others I'm sure. The ones we kids promised to take care of, but dad really did all of the work. I was trying to remember how many different houses we lived in during my 10 years there -- B.., G..., M..., C... I just don't recall - they certainly all became homes though. Can you imagine a graduating class (high school) of 41 - biggest ever to that date (1963). Gosh, this is 2008 - 45 years ago I graduated from high school. I don't think we are even having a reunion. They were never really well attended.

My poor recollection was that folks from out of town came, but the home folks didn't -- strange and probably a misperception. I often remember the names of my classmates, the faces, the good memories, and some not so good memories. there is that web site that I see at least 8 members of our class listed now. I've scanned all the old documents -- there truly are some great memories.

I seem to recall though, that I had more nicknames, some very weird than any of the other kids. I wonder why - . We weren't always so kind as kids -- well, maybe not even so kind as adults sometimes. But still - it was a wonderful time, first job, first car, first pickupl truck, first kiss - for some folks anyway.

Ah, life is good. Have an excellent day! Create some memories!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pickup, Boat, and Trailer

Along with the birthday of our youngest son - now 29, and our first grandson, now 10 - Carolyn and I cleaned the cab of the pickup, hooked up the wiring and towed the boat for the very first time. we went to a paking lot to practice. It went well. It didn't go quite as well on a crowded busy street, but we did get it parked - backing up and all. Canada here we come. (The neighbor girls got a good laugh -- )

I do plan on taking the boat for a "maiden voyage" under its new ownership this week. I'm as excited as a teenager.

Back to the birthdays. We visited the Chad and family yesterday. We took Jeremiah (29) and Kairi out to lunch today. We also edged the sidewalks, bundled sticks and stuff into the appropriate length for trash pick-up. Mundane stuff, but so fun when you share the fun with someone who loves you and whom you love so much.

I guess that is the wisdom of the month -- even chores can be fun when you are in the moment. There are all kinds of wealth in the world - it isn't just money or financial security. When I see Jeremiah with Kairi - the affection from a young girl to her dad and the care of Jeremiah for her almost brings tears to my eyes. Perhaps, the wealth is pretty much in our relationships for without them - it can be very, very lonely. My advice, nurture them, nurture all of your relationships - when you feel it in your gut, pick up the phone or drop by - say a special thought, it may be just what they need right then and there.

and that of course brings one to the beauty of children -- they are so in the moment, tell it like it is and are so full of joy... I think that we, as adults, teach it out of them - or discipline it out of them. We can learn so much from children -- so much!

Watch a child today, learn something new -- better yet watch a child every day next week - it could change your life.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


These are not just any other day of the week, though, sometimes they feel like it. I'm an early birder today, trying to get wireless working on one of the 4 computers we have hooked up here. Some success - some failures, but gotta keep trying.

I'm getting ready for a few weeks of vacation. Headed to Canada, then to Myrtle Beach, then to somewhere in Utah for a family reunion. So right now, I'm concentrating on the boat. I just bought one, then I needed to get a picku-up to pull the boat. Got the boat from my Goddaughter's husband, and the pick-up from my son-in-law. Yesterday I put in the rod holders. Now I'm working on the electrical.

Life teaches us these lessons - sometimes we learn them well, sometimes we need to be taught again. Not sure why I wait until so close to vacation time to start preparing and making sure everything is in order - maybe it is the last minute adrenalin rush (I was this way with college papers as well).

Maybe someday the grandkids will read these and get to know grandpa better (they used to call me grumpa! - maybe I still am, but they haven't called me that in awhile)!

So, have yourself another really great day - don't loose sight of the important things in life - you know, those moments that pass by so quickly, you can't get them back! Enjoy them as they come.

Friday, April 25, 2008


I've always been a bit of a blogger, even when it didn't know it was blogging.. Maybe even before blogging existed. I used to write rather long articles on our family website... of course the only one that read them was me, while I was writing them. There is a therapy in writing - and every onece in awhile something wonderful and new comes to mind and you feel like (well I felt like) you really created something almost eleoquent in its simplicity.

So I went about searching for how to create a blogsite... googled it, and here I am. Nothing fancy for now, just writing for writing sake.

I'm 62 going on 63. I still work full time - enjoying it more than ever - there is something very freeing about this age when it comes to the work place. Maybe I'll explore that sometime as well.

I noted when I set this up that I could publish it somewhere else - and I may do that eventually, but, let's see what happens.

My first grandson will be , hmmm, well, a year older on the 27th. The kids moved back to Colorado from Blue Springs, Missouri a few weeks ago. They are so happy to be back here. Something about those mountains really keep drawing one back.

To another subject. For a period of about 4 years I used to write a daily - Where's Lanny to my staff and certain team members. I followed that up with little missives and stories -- I guess I was blogging then to.

Maybe someone will read and comment - I'll see. Whatever the situation you find yourself in, find the positive - and enjoy each and every moment.