Monday, April 30, 2018

Truly the Digital Age

Grandma and Grandson Digitally Connected

He's more interested in what she's watching on her Chromebook than the game he's playing on his IPad!  

I'm not sure why I am u at 3:30AM blogging to an audience that probably doesn't exist.  I don't put key words that bring on the search happy folks.  I don't even say much that is worth reading.  But, it does get things out of my system.  Perhaps that is why I hit the pages from time to time (should have been hyphenated, maybe)?  It is really a rhetorical question.

It is going to be a fantastic Monday!  The grass is growing well, trees are in bloom, the garden is planted, part of the lawn is reseeded - new stepping flagstones in place, the fish are eating once again, the new pond liner has been purchased (sounds like work), it is recycle day, the squirrels need their corn cobs, so much to do, so many great moments to enjoy!  Enjoy yours, I know I will enjoy mine!

Monday, April 2, 2018

New Window Today

We have to replace the window above the fireplace.  Today is the day!  We are installing an "Infinity from Marvin" replacement windows "Built for Life.  They've started sawing the old one out!  Lifetime Windows got here at 9, exactly when they said they would.  That is a good sign!

I'd call it the 6th major repair since moving in 5 years ago:

  1. Drywall and Paint Garage -- an improvement, not a repair
  2. New Roof - Hail Damaged
  3. Replaced the Water Softener
  4. Rebuilt the patio brick by brick
  5. Mud pumped the front porch steps and side-walk
  6. Winter Storm tree limb and tree clean up
  7. Replace the BIG window!
Before Replacement Note the Condensation Between the Panes

During Replacement

After Replacement

4.5 Hours later - Job well done!  Have an awesome week!

Saturday, March 31, 2018

March in Centennial

This was taken on one of our early morning treks to Trails Recreation Center.  Carolyn and I like to go there to get our morning exercise.  We've taken to walking the Lazy River, hot tubbing, and visiting the steam room.  It really makes for a nice way to start the day.

It is the last day of March, 2018.  This has been an eventful month - first golf outings, last few weeks of bowling leagues, planning trips for the year, contacting the kids, setting up new businesses (both Carolyn and I) , recontacting friends from the past, exploring new opportunities, thinking about new ways to spend my time beginning the spring cleaning process, recommitting to living in the moment!

Today is about whatever today brings my way.  The one thing I have planned is to begin yard and plant bed clean up.  Need to check the Koi Pond again - I saw the fish yesterday.  The water is still too cold to feed them, but I think we are getting close.  I'm thankful that Trenton can come over and help with the clean up.

Happy March 31 to all of you - remember to live your moments, laugh a little, hug often and be joyful!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Were you ever so excited about something you wanted to share it with the world?

It isn't really a rhetorical question - but it is just a question to answer to yourself.  Frankly, I'm feeling that way right now!  Do I just blurt it out, keep it to myself, wait to be queried?  These are questions I'm cogitating right now.

Just thinking about it, most of my family and friends might say that I get excited about things way too easily.  There could be some truth in that.  Perhaps I'll take the easy way out - make a list - (I hate lists, but they do serve a purpose). 

These are things I'm currently excited about - not necessarily in any order of importance:

  1. Trip to The Cliffs for a sibling and 1 granddaughter visit!
  2. Golf
  3. Bowling
  4. My new "original spinning flagpole" - egad, it really works!
  5. Protandim and Protandim Fat Burn
  6. My latest blood tests - they are awesome
  7. Carolyn's enthusiasm for life, family, and friends
  8. Fishing in a couple of weeks with Lana and Mike
  9. Making new recopies with the Air Fryer - never tasted better Kale Chips or Roasted Chickpeas - in fact, I made some today
  10. Carolyn's new business
  11. Spending the day on Table Rock Lake with guide Lyle!
  12. Selling the old house!
  13. Eating Tofu Ramen Noodle Vegetable soup - really, Carolyn made it today!
  14. So much more - Life is soooooo good!
Well, there it is!  Live life to the fullest, be healthy, be considerate of others - enjoy each, and every one of your moments!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Continuous Self-Improvement

Relationships:  Keep and maintain healthy relationships with family and friends
Weight Loss:  Determine healthiest body weight and attain that weight
Bowling:  Continue to improve technique and average
Golf:  Set some goals for improvement
Fishing??? I really want to do more

Not sure why these things got into my mind this morning - it is Valentine's day - my mind should be on romance, not this stuff. I think that even writing these things down ONCE has a lasting effect on the outcome desired.

Not much other than that to say.  Enjoy your moments and put some romance in your day!

Friday, February 2, 2018


Why - it is a question we asked a lot when we were very young.  But eventually we quit asking the question - or at least asked it infrequently. Recent endeavors have put the question forefront in my mind again.  I started Weight Watchers a few weeks back.  I received an email that asked the very basic question, "What is your Why?'  I've pondered that question the past few days.

Upon reflection the question is a seriously good one for almost any situation.  When we were studying MRP and Quality Control on my old job, there was the story of Harley Davidson and why it was in real trouble.  One would walk into their store and all of their new "hogs" had a piece of cardboard under the motor, because the store owners did not want oil drippings on the floor.  Something had to change the situation.  So, the engineers or whomever thought this was a problem that needed to be fixed started asking "WHY" is there an oil leak?"  It is all about getting to the "root cause" in this case -- typically it was found that asking the appropriate "why questions' in succession would, in as few as 5 whys, would get you to the root cause.  The question basically saved Harley Davidson or so history tells us.

Obviously the "Why Question" can be used discover, learn, solve problems, and for many other reasons - kids use it a lot just to understand the world around them.  When you are patient and answer each of their whys in the series - the light bulb turns o and the child discovers the why of what they were originally asking!  This does require patience and perseverance!

I have not gotten to the bottom of my particular why yet - but I will get there.

So, why have I started writing more?  Because there is something that niggles at me to do so!
Why is there a niggle? Because my mind is distracted until I do write!
Why does my mind get distracted?  Because I'm not focused on what I am doing?
well... you get the idea.  If I pursued this enough I would eventually get the "root answer" of my initial question!

So, why should you enjoy each and every moment?  Because it may well be the last moment you have - so enjoy and live each and every moment to the fullest.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Bowled a 632 This Afternoon

So did John! I had a good day on the lanes again today.  Carolyn did well also.  I think the coaching is going to work.  I'll set up another appointment. I also ordered a new bowling ball a "Global 900 Honey Badger"!  I guess I did it because John and Bob both have one and they are both really liking that ball. I'm looking forward to our next practice session.

I made good progress today on taxes.  Unusual for me because I tend to wait until the last minute.  Not this year, I'm plugging away steadily.

What else is up? Well, time to start signing up for summer golf leagues - I'm looking forward to that.  The weather has been decent enough, but I'm really concentrating on bowling right now.  I also want to spend more time fishing this year - just not sure what kind of fishing I'll be doing.  I kinda wish I was going to Canada again, but the arrangements seemed a bit tough this time around.  Who knows maybe I can think of a way to make it happen?!

There's just a lot going on right now - having a bit of trouble concentrating on any one thing. Heather and Eric are headed to Blackhawk for a day.... Carolyn still hasn't said what she would like for her birthday!  Don't know exactly what I'm going to do. 

Well - enjoy your moments, each and every one of them!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Not Sure This is Worth a Title

The Morell clan dropped by yesterday.  I made a pretty much vegetarian dinner - not too bad even if I do say so myself.  I think Oscar and Kindle enjoyed themselves.  Meezy joined us for supper.  I actually had the TV turned off for a few hours.  It was nice enough to check out the Koi Pond.  Oscar was playing with the "Big Swing".  All-in-all we had a great time.

Today I start working on TAXES!!!!  Not my favorite thing today, but I feel well organized this year.  The paperwork folder looks bigger than usual.  We also got our property tax bill... holy crap... a shocker, even higher than last year!

Last night was kind of a sleepless night.  I'm not quite sure why.  Oh, by the way, I've been reading some of my LB's Facebook posts hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  He sure has some strong thoughts, but very well put to words! I'm sure he and I are not in agreement on many things, but we are both - definitely -- entitled!

Thanksgiving 2017

For some odd reason I'm feeling the need to put a picture in this post - but not sure what picture to put here.  That is one thing I don't like about Google photos - How do I get the photo from there to here?  I know I can provide a link, but, I don't want a link I WANT THE DARNED PICTURE.  I'll see if I can figure that out. (11:52 am Mountain Time - Starting - completed 11:53 am -- that was easy!

We sorely missed the Chad and Wendfal Fahlenkamp family.  It is tough to get a full family picture these days.  Everyone is so busy... Chad, Wendfal, Autumn, and Wolfgang we so missed you!  Maybe next year we can do a non-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving so everyone can make it.

I'm also looking forward to a before and after of me..... I am on a weight loss kick again.  It is the right thing to do for my health and my family.  I'm 15lbs down and feeling great.  I have another 15 to go!  This should also improve my bowling and golf!

Well, I started with nothing to say and look where it has led!  May all your moments be great moments!

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Bowling and Other Activities

Two years ago Carolyn and I took up bowling again.  Yesterday we had our first "coaching" session.  We used the coach that works with Ty Bowling Services ( ).  What a great experience.  Today we went and practiced the minor changes that he suggested.  As predicted, things might get worse before they get better as we have to develop some new muscle memories.  But it is fun trying to work through those changes.  We are very much looking forward to improved performance.

I'm also looking forward to a new season of golf.  Our men's club has had to move from Fitz as it has been closed for expansion of the Anschutz facilities.  It is a sad thing.  The course had been open for nearly 100 years.  The new course is Meadow Hills.  It will be much more of a challenge for most of us.  My current GHIN handicap is 19.4.  I would like to see that improved this year.  I still have not decided how many times a week I'll be golfing this year.I'm thinking three, maybe four leagues.  Unfortunately Golf season and bowling overlap about 8 weeks!  This results in a log of activity. But, I'm pretty sure I can handle it.  I might have to give up the morning "river walking", steam room, and sauna!  I'll probably have to work out a new recreation budget as well - but, what the heck!

Even though we are not even close to spring yet - I've already embarked on the annual spring cleaning adventure.  We took most of our Christmas stuff, including lights and trees, to Goodwill.  We also cleaned out our closets - a couple of car loads worth.

Carolyn and I have broached the subject of a 2nd car again.  We've only had one car for the last three years.  I use Uber when need be and we are going to start renting when we go on long drive vacations.

The winter has been extremely mild so far -- but, the snowiest months are yet to come. The Koi pond has only been frozen over one time -- I actually saw the fish at the top the other day... It is difficult to resist feeding them - that can't happen 'til the water reaches at least 50 degree Fahrenheit.

Well, that is about it for now., May all your moments be wonderful!