Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Were you ever so excited about something you wanted to share it with the world?

It isn't really a rhetorical question - but it is just a question to answer to yourself.  Frankly, I'm feeling that way right now!  Do I just blurt it out, keep it to myself, wait to be queried?  These are questions I'm cogitating right now.

Just thinking about it, most of my family and friends might say that I get excited about things way too easily.  There could be some truth in that.  Perhaps I'll take the easy way out - make a list - (I hate lists, but they do serve a purpose). 

These are things I'm currently excited about - not necessarily in any order of importance:

  1. Trip to The Cliffs for a sibling and 1 granddaughter visit!
  2. Golf
  3. Bowling
  4. My new "original spinning flagpole" - egad, it really works!
  5. Protandim and Protandim Fat Burn
  6. My latest blood tests - they are awesome
  7. Carolyn's enthusiasm for life, family, and friends
  8. Fishing in a couple of weeks with Lana and Mike
  9. Making new recopies with the Air Fryer - never tasted better Kale Chips or Roasted Chickpeas - in fact, I made some today
  10. Carolyn's new business
  11. Spending the day on Table Rock Lake with guide Lyle!
  12. Selling the old house!
  13. Eating Tofu Ramen Noodle Vegetable soup - really, Carolyn made it today!
  14. So much more - Life is soooooo good!
Well, there it is!  Live life to the fullest, be healthy, be considerate of others - enjoy each, and every one of your moments!

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