Thursday, February 1, 2018

Bowled a 632 This Afternoon

So did John! I had a good day on the lanes again today.  Carolyn did well also.  I think the coaching is going to work.  I'll set up another appointment. I also ordered a new bowling ball a "Global 900 Honey Badger"!  I guess I did it because John and Bob both have one and they are both really liking that ball. I'm looking forward to our next practice session.

I made good progress today on taxes.  Unusual for me because I tend to wait until the last minute.  Not this year, I'm plugging away steadily.

What else is up? Well, time to start signing up for summer golf leagues - I'm looking forward to that.  The weather has been decent enough, but I'm really concentrating on bowling right now.  I also want to spend more time fishing this year - just not sure what kind of fishing I'll be doing.  I kinda wish I was going to Canada again, but the arrangements seemed a bit tough this time around.  Who knows maybe I can think of a way to make it happen?!

There's just a lot going on right now - having a bit of trouble concentrating on any one thing. Heather and Eric are headed to Blackhawk for a day.... Carolyn still hasn't said what she would like for her birthday!  Don't know exactly what I'm going to do. 

Well - enjoy your moments, each and every one of them!

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