Wednesday, January 15, 2014

On Being Fascinated

Fascination is an interesting thing.  I've been fascinated with water, fire, wind - all of nature and nature's many wonders.  I've also been continuously fascinated by Carolyn and our relationship - even how after 49 years knowing each other the fascination still abounds.  Kinda like this picture of her and the tree frog.  She asked me to take it!  I didn't know she liked frogs so much.  I like frogs - I have a collection of frogs (not live ones silly)!  Those collectible little bobble head frogs in all sorts of situations.  (I do like eating frog legs though - one of my favorite dishes! - sorry frogs!)

And skies - our skies have so many different looks and colors - their I can stare at the skies (both night skies and day skies) for hours, dreaming and wondering and being thrilled and saddened and, well, fascinated!
Taken by Lanny from Home
The skies over Colorado can produce awesome shapes and colors - right with many different varieties of clouds layered against a morning or evening sky.  They can be  utterly thrilling to look at in wonderment.  What struck about this particular formation was that Carolyn, even though we were miles apart parked the car and took pictures of the same sky with her camera phone.  Pretty neat!

Taken by Carolyn From a Parking lot

Photo by Carolyn from Parking Lot
These are just a few of things - so much more - babies, children, elderly folks (folks much older than I am), the rich, the not so rich, the poor, slot machines video games, arcades, mountains, fishing, golf - the human body! Oh my gosh, the human body.  Isn't it amazing how wonderful a creation the human body is?

Fascination is both mental and emotional, feeling and being triggered to action, to love, to laugh, to live!  Fascination - ain't it just great!  Be fascinate with life and all its moments!  Smile at folks - and you'll be fascinated what comes in return!

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