Sunday, January 5, 2014

Family Matters

Carolyn and I are blessed to have so much family on both the Martinez and Fahlenkamp sides - not to mention some of the families of spouses and ex-spouses that are still very important in our lives.  Yesterday we enjoyed an after holiday Holiday Party.  There was family and neighbors.  We enjoyed the party, the laughter - the consolation and the news.  I especially enjoyed the chili and the time we had alone with our hosts (we were early arrivals!). I'm grateful for those things.

We were up early today and already have accomplished a lot for the day.  I continue to worry and fret a bit about Mum.  My son-in-law lost his mom this past week.  He is dealing with so much - he has a great wife to help him through all this - and he has others to call on when he needs or wants to all on them.

Carolyn and I are blessed to be healthy.  We work at it and it is so worth it to be so vital and vibrant and enjoying life as much as we do.  I do note that I tend to "not connect" with folks a lot - I often think it has something to do with the "fear of loss"!  Connecting can be a risk in that sense.  Maybe, just maybe, I need to take more risks and connect more with people.

I realize that I don't participate in what you would call "social sports" - like bowling- and perhaps that is the fear of connection and loss.  Golf is a sport, but not what I call a "social sport".  The lunches after golf with the Monday gang are social, but even there, I don't feel a part of the social set that is present.  Sometimes I feel I'm there because I fill out a foursome.

I think I'm a bit of a recluse!  Could it be?  I'll have to contemplate that - and a whole lot of other things!  Enjoy your family of families and all the moments you have - the good, the bad, and ..... well you know the rest!

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