Monday, September 23, 2013

And Yes - It is Monday Morning Again

We got another inch or so of rain last night.  Nice night to get it, because I cleaned the fish pond yesterday - still have three live fish in it.  Go Chester!  No golf today but will be able to play on Wednesday.  So, a new project.

We are trying to identify all the trees in our yard and on our morning walks.  I'm going to put pictures in my blog - one tree at a time we'll be able to to get this done. This one is outside our kitchen dining area.  The berries turn red in the fall - the squirrels feed on the berries all winter long.  The picture doesn't show them well, but there are very sharp one or two inch thorns ever so often on the limbs.  You can see that the berries or fruits grow in little clusters.  If you kno what it is, get back to me please.  (No prizes- just a thank you).

Supposed to get a little rain later this afternoon - we don't need anymore rain for awhile.  The ground is saturated.  Beautiful cool breeze this morning.  Have an awesome day!

7:54PM - found it on-line it is a " Common Choke Cherry"

Monday, September 16, 2013

What, Monday Morning Again

Well, it just happens to be Monday morning once again.  A whole week has passed.  It has mostly rained every day since last Wednesday.  At our house we got a total of 10.5 inches.  The saga of the lawn goes on.  I'm losing patience with Hoang - but he is such a hard worker.  I guess I'll all him again this morning and see what the heck is going on  I got all the sprinkler heads changed and the outline for the tree surround prepared, hauled the bricks to the front... now I'm just waiting. 

The guys cancelled golf this morning - I guess no one wants to play on a flooded golf course - however some courses are open, so what is up with that.  Oh well, I've got plenty to keep me busy. 

This will be an eclectic diatribe.  I don't know what it is with me and printers these days.  I can't keep the wireless printers connected, I never have enough ink.... come on now something has just got to work.

I've been working on photos now for several weeks.  Yesterday, during the Bronco's victory, I entered what seemed like a couple of hundred birthdays on my Google Calendar - this to help me date some photos.  These were photos taken before cameras were digital and when we didn't have the sense to document time and place.  It makes for interesting detective work though. So, now I'm trying to list and print all the birthdays I entered.  One would think that would be easy --- NOT!  Thank you ctrl c and ctrl v.   We did it!

Well, I guess this is it or now.  All the kids and grandkids are safe. Time to call Mum... Please enjoy your day and all the moments in your day!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday Morning Reflections

It is an early Monday morning and I just couldn't get to sleep after a 3 a.m. dream.  Sometimes I think I work harder in my dreams than I do when I'm awake.  I must be in another dimension or parallel life-stream.

Sunday was a very interesting day - well, not so much interesting as reflective.  When one is going over old photographs, one tends to do a lot of reflecting and I think that is a good thing to do.  It helps to remember where you've been and who you have known over the years.  It helps to give you that sense of purpose for the future. 

I also noticed how many photographs there were of absolutely nothing....  made me wonder why I took them in the first place.  That is one thing about the digital world - you can take lots of photos and then you can toss about 80% of them because they are really pretty meaningless.  Then again there must have been a reason you took them.  I also realized how many different cameras I'd had: my Brownie; a Foton (expensive, but took good pictures - we really got hooked by a salesman on that one), Kodak Use and Develop, Polaroid (my parents and ours), and, a couple of digital cameras - can't recall the brand names - that were dropped in water, onto the floor and otherwise abused until they couldn't take pictures that were in focus.  We now have a Nikon Coolpix and of course, our Samsung Galaxy III cell phones - there are so many ways to take pictures these days.  We also have a Sony Handycam - that we've used maybe 12 hours since getting it 8 or so years ago.

I realize this is "much ado about nothing", but it is what has flowed from my brain to my finger tips this morning.. I like that there is still a connection.... so, with all that, here's a photo to share with you! I took this picture from my office at the Deer Creek Facility - I could probably look at the "metadata" to see when.  It was one of those beautiful sunrises that we have in Colorado.. I used to go in early and come bak home late...  Pictures like this bring a lot of wonderfures blogging. 

I think this blog is my way of keeping a journal.  The writing and sharing of it bring a fulfillment of sorts.  I really don't care if it is read by anyone or not.  But if it is, for those who do read it.. I hope it gives you some ideas and thoughts to help you in some way.  Have a really great day!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fitness - It is Never Too Late!

Wendfal Total Fitness --  A couple of years ago I was a rather large and happy 232 lb over-weight (let's face it, morbidly obese diabetic)!
You Get the Picture

At this moment I am 182 lb's and off all my diabetes meds, and, in excellent physical condition!  I'm also 68 years young.  My golf game has improved from consistently shooting in the low 100's to consistently shooting in the mid 80's - I even shot a 76 the other day, the best game I've ever had in my life.  I have improved my stamina and continue to improve my physical condition.  This has been achieved by setting goals for weight loss, and physical training.  My personal trainer is Wendfal Fahlenkamp of Wendfal Total Fitness.

After Weight Loss and Training
I owe a lot of these changes to myself, but I also owe a lot of thanks to a personal trainer that knows her stuff!  Wendfal keeps my weekly training sessions interesting, challenging, beneficial, and thorough.  She has the skill and talent to recognize where I need work and how much I an be challenged without frustrating me.  Yah, sometimes a complain and whine that she pushes me too hard, but - she never pushes beyond what I am capable of.  My improved physical condition is due to these regular workouts and challenges.  I get homework assignments - especially stretching ( which I hate to do - but more and more see the benefits of)!  I appreciate Wendfal's patience and high level of professionalism when working with me.  She regularly re-evaluates where I'm at physically and designs workout sessions to help me continually improve.

Have you ever done a plank - wort of like the beginning of a push-up, but holding it there as long as you can.  When I was first evaluated I could do it for maybe 45 seconds!  Yesterday I held it for a few seconds past 3 minutes - wow!  Now, that may not seem like a long time to you, but try it and you'll see.  I've also seen improvement in my flexibility and focus.  I really appreciate that my training sessions are not some standard set of exercise routines that are scripted for everyone and applied to me, but the sessions are specifically designed for me - and are unique, challenging, sometimes fun and sometimes not so fun - but always beneficial to the improvement of my emotional and physical conditioning and fitness.