Wednesday, May 8, 2013

MYR 2013 - Golf day 2 -- Glen Dornoch and Oyster Bay

Off to an early start this morning - stopped for a quick breakfast at Mikey Dee's.  Glen Dornoch is in fantastic condition and is always a great challenge to play.. Uncle Bob shot a 39 on the front - I won't say anything at this point about the back 9.  We were the first group off.  It was like we had our own private golf course.  16, 17, 18 are some of the best finishing holes we play.  Number 8 is an awesome par 5 looking downhill to the Inland Watrway... an awesome view.  Today was a pleasant day - no rain, a bit of breeze from time to time and a pretty decent pace of play for down here.

After finishing at the Glen, we headed for Oyster Bay.  We've played Oyster Bay almost every year since we started coming down here.  A few years back we dropped it because it just wasn't "up to par" (no pun intended).  We put it back on the list and played it again this year.  We unanimously decided to remove it from our "play list"!  The course is always so  busy, double teeing both afternoon and evening.  while it didn't play terribly slow - it is till very disappointing from a quality perspective.

Oyster Bay still has some really beautiful golf holes - but that does not make up for the condition of the course.  On a scale of 1-10, Glen Dornoch is a definite 10 (my opinion).  Oyster Bay is about a 3 - for the following reasons.  The cart paths are in extreme disrepair.  The greens are awful - it is a very heavily played course - and many patrons do not bother to fix ball marks - some greens appeared to have equipment damage.  The sand traps were terribly inconsistent, many lacking more than a quarter inch or so of sand before striking solid ground.  I think the course is played so much that there is little time for maintenance.

One thing Oyster Bay still has is lots of gators to see - some pretty big ones.  I think the most exciting thing for me, today, was winning a match against Uncle Bob - first time ever!  Wahoo.  I also had some really good drives today, but my iron play was less than stellar.

We ate dinner at the Boundary House - a bit noisy this evening, but the food and service were not disappointing. 

Tomorrow we play Heathland and Kings North... should be a very fine day.

Next year, I believe we will be scheduling Heather Glen and dropping Oyster Bay.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Golfing at The World Tour

Check it out.  This is where we played this morning.  Beautiful courses - but, the greens had been recently sanded so that was a bit of a challenge.  I shot a 43 on the Open 9 and a 51 on the Champion 9.  Not great, but not bad.  It is always a bit of a challenge on the first day to get the iron distances - we are at sea level here, not a mile high as we are in Denver. I, unfortunately, dumped 4 balls in the water - so there's 4 penalty strikes right there.  Mil also put 4 in the water -- all-in-all, the four of us put a total of 14 balls in the water, we may have broken a record.

We  only played 18 holes today.  Gave up on the last 9 - didn't play - as rain hit the area, although it is nice and sunny right now.  Wildman, Uncle, and Competitive went to see Iron Man Three (I'm waiting to see it with Carolyn).  So, I'm back at the "villa" playing games and doing some catching up on things.

There really wasn't anything spectacular about today's round of golf.  It was just a beautiful morning.  The weather was very comfortable and the company was great.  I'm already looking forward to tomorrow at Glen Dornach and Oyster Bay.

Monday, May 6, 2013

MYR 2013 Arrival Day

So, we all arrived safely at the Legends in Myrtle Beach.  Check in was surely a shock to some.  More of a shock to me because they forgot to split the deposit - therefore I had to come up with some quick cash to spread around - they took the whole deposit off my bill.  I requested first floor, we are upstairs but all felt, even at our very advanced but youthful ages, we could deal with the climb after our long golf outings.

Down to business.  We had supper at The Sea Captain's House - right on the beach -- while dining we were able to view an astonishingly rough ocean - white water like I have not seen before.  Folks were, however, walking the shore - and taking pictures.  I had broiled flounder and steamed veggies.  it is good fair - and this spot has been a tradition for our first evening.

Then it was off to the golf store for golf balls and various other items.  following that it was a trip to the grocer for our normal snack fair consisting of ice cream, goldfish, and dry roasted peanuts... our usual healty fair for snacks for the week..  Once that was done we headed for Ailsa's pub for a Yuengling and a look at the Stanley Cup games.  Tomorrow we play The World Tour - Mil and I are partnered, Bob and Gordon are the opposition.  We play "Quota" golf.  I will also be playing match play with Bob.  I still have to decide the day for the great Ice Cream Banana Split contest.  I'm thinking it will be Saturday at Moorland.

All in all it has been a great day...... Sleep well - wake up with a smile and enjoy your day.

MYR 2013 - One Month Earlier than Usual

Just in case you don't know, MYR is the airport code for Myrtle Beach.  The annual adventure begins today.  Carolyn and I were up at 0 dark thirty.  She made me a wonderful breakfast and had me at the airport by 5:55AM.  That makes for very short check-in and security lines.  it is a beautiful day in Denver - we even got to see the sunrise.

Uncle Bob, Wildman Gordon, and Competitive Mil - once again hit the links in Myrtle Beach.  This would be the 22nd year (consecutive for me) for some of us.  The three mentioned here and myself have been the group for the last 6 or 7 years.  I would definitely have to get out some historical records to verify that.  Mil and I will arrive in Myrtle this afternoon at about 3:15.  We'll meet Wildman and Uncle Bob there.  (Uncle Bob isn't really my uncle - but he would be a really great Uncle to have.)  I'm the only "outsider" on the annual outing - the other guys are "brothers-in-law".

I'm looking forward to the first round tomorrow.  I was fortunate enough to play golf with my son Chad yesterday.  His first full 18 holes.  Wendfal got him lessons at the PGA Store - what a joy it was to play at Meadow Hills with Chad.

I had a great round -- 82 (hope none of the guys read this -- it would be good if I could take some of their money this year.  We'll see what happens.

I will also do my very best to keep you posted (maybe even with some pictures) .... so have a great day, enjoy your moments, each and everyone of them.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It IS a Bit Like Journaling

What can I say?  I don't tend to write much of late... Last night (evening really) was special.  We were able to spend time in Steamboat Springs with Chad and Wendfal.  We were learning to play Dominoes, and though I don't think we were playing it quite according to the rules of Hoyle.. we did have a very wonderful - laugh filled evening.

This morning there's fresh snow on the ground.  Denver was supposed to get some as well.  I wonder if the men's club is going to get a round of golf in yet.  It is May 1st and we have only gotten one round in so far. 

I did get to play at Fox Hollow yesterday.  First time in many years.  All three of us played rather well and it was a chilly, but beautiful morning.

I don't think Carolyn and I will  be going for a walk to the Fish Creek Falls today.. so we'll have to head to the "exercise room".

Oh, Hailey was selected to the National Honor Society for math... awesome. 

To anyone out there who may happen on this "blog".. Have yourself a wonderful day full of wonderful moments, there truly is no other way.