Sunday, July 22, 2012

Words are Insufficient - Tragedy Strikes Home

One never thinks of tragedies like the Centry 16 murders could hit home.  Our niece and her daughter (our grand niece) were both victims of this senseless act.  The child was shot three times and did not make it.  Her mother, Ashley, is still in intensive care and may never be able to walk again - she still has a bullet lodged next to her spine.  I cannot imagine a young parent, any parent for that matter losing a child or grandchild or having to tell someone, especially your child, that their child was killed.  I cannot fathom what her parents are going through.  As much as it touches other family members, friends, and relatives - those immediately impacted so devastatingly will never be the same again - their lives - ours- changed forever.

It is almost unimagineable how many lives are touched by this - 12 deaths, 59 injured - some critical yet... there immediate families, relatives, shool mates, friends - so many, many lives are touched by this thing. 

While there are those who reach out to comfort, there are also those who prey on the victims and their families - almost with no concern for the family, just concern for their careers and "everyone's right to know" irregardless of the impact on the victims and their families. 

We have very talented folks in our family - at one of our reunions - my family won a family tree quilt - it is beautiful and now cherished even more than ever ..  .  The leaves for Veronica and Ashley had hearts placed on them yesterday...  this keeps them very much in our minds. 

So many have reached out to us and are very supportive - asking what they can do - even we family members struggle to do more, not often knowing exactly what kind of support is needed for the children and their families.  Carolyn and I are blessed to have a home to share with family and children while adults are visiting and sharing with each other at the hospital.  I think - at least for me, I feel helpless to help at times - not wanting to intrude - but wanting to be supportive in any way that I can... sometimes that can just be a hug - sharing tears - and moments that we have together. 

There is going to be a special family vigil tonight in Aurora - President Obama will be there - I'm not sure I want to be there.  I don't want this thing to be political - it is about caring, family, love, concern.  None of us, I think, will ever fully understand what made Holmes do what he did - something so callous and heartless.  He will never understand how much pain he has caused.

The following days will bring so much emotion.... and for a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve, that is going to be a lot of emotion....  I'm so fortunate to have Carolyn, supportive children and grandchildren... and so fortunate that they were not at that theater on that night... My heart flutters with joy and thankfulness - yet bleeds for the many, many victims...   thank you family and friends, neighbors, strangers, and all others for your thoughts, prayers, and support - especially for Ashley and her immediate family. 

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