Monday, July 16, 2012

A Birthday and Some Great Drives

Something worth blogging.  Celebrated a birthday on the 10th.  Couldn't have been better - all the kids and grandkids were here - spouses and a few others.  It was great.  I did the steaks - they ate them up and sang happy birthday... what a wonderful evening.

Played golf today - 43/40 - I was hitting the driver unbelievably well.  I had two drives over 260.  All but three of the drives were in the fairway.  The three there were not in the fairway were in the first cut.  I was putting well, but my short game still left something to be desired - still 83 is a great score for me.

Carolyn and I went shopping and picked out some furniture for the upstairs "great room" or family room, whatever one wishes to call it.

Today we played Coyote Creek, tomorrow it is Plum Creek, Wednesday Fitz, and Thursday Glenmore (not sure of the spelling).

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