Friday, May 18, 2012

Tears - and Other Stuff

We were up a little early this morning.  It has been a habit of late - about 5:30AM give or take a few minutes.  Partly, I think, because of the grandpets.  We are sitting while Kindle is in Boston with Drew - they'll be coming home soon.  It will be good to see Drew again and have them both here until the fall.  Then it will be back to school for Drew and perhaps - I hope, especially for Kindle - they will be together full time in Boston.

I cut some peonies for Carolyn this morning. We floated them in a Crystal bowl.  They are beautiful - pure white - and then, I thought about dad.  I do miss him and think of him often.  The faucets (tear ducts) turned on to a gentle flow.  He taught me so much and what is good is that I had the opportunity to thank him for that.  I think the tears are both a bit of thankfulness for the blessing that he was, for the service to our country, for the father that he was - stern but fair - and so very bright and full of life.

Carolyn and I will be headed to Canada in a few days.  The boat has been on the water twice now and is working well.  The Minkota electric works okay - there is a broken tab on the mounting bracket.  That isn't so bad when you are going forward, but it wreaks havoc when going backwards - what to do about that.  Maybe nothing this trip.  I don't use the motor that much -  although I did test the other day using only the electric for about 3 solid hours and still having plenty of juice to start the Merc and load the boat onto the trailer.

I've got a few things left to do around the house then run through the final check list with Carolyn.  More tears - I'm so blessed to have her in my life - she brings so much joy - and is so very giving and open to so much adventure and new things and yes, even a few things some might consider a bit weird.  But, she is her own woman and she is always learning - always.

Me - lately I've been Mr. Fix it, at the old house and the new.  I've got to get the drip system repaired and the whole sprinkler system at the old place.  Maybe I'll go fish for some catfish this evening.  I've not done that in a long while.  Then again, maybe I'll do something else - whatever it is I want to do.  Maybe Carolyn will even come along with me.  I'll be spending the morning with her.  We will be having lunch with Autumn today.  That will be nice.

Enjoy your moments and your day.... I know I'll be enjoying mine!

Friday, May 11, 2012

The ShoreLandr, The Mercury, the Microwave, and GOLF????

So, you know the trailer broke.  But, the part (Spring Bracket) got here and I got it installed - thank you ShoreLandr and Crowley Marine for getting it all done in such a timely fashion.  I finally got the other bracket inspected - it is pristine!  Bottom line - the boat has been in the water, the Merc works great - doesn't miss a beat - I even caught an 8" trout, and two 4" crappies... I didn't know they came that small - oh well.  Canada here we come.  I think I'll get it on the water a couple of more times.  Nice to be only 5.7 miles to the boat rampI

The Microwave - well the store manager says one size fits all  --  wrong, there's 26" and then there's well a lot bigger - 30".  Fortunately there is room in the wall cabinet for the modifications to make it work - so I will.  (Back story - the old built in Microwave crashed - so needed to replace - the new one is powerful and has convection cooking as well as mircrowave...)  Now, if only I can saw in a straight line!

GOLF - well it isn't exactly in the same category as trailers, boat motors, and microwaves - but.  Lately I've been having a great 1st 9 holes and a lousy (I mean no matter what hole we start on--) and a bad last nine holes, by as much as 12 strokes difference.  So, this week I noticed something about my game.. If I drive the ball in the rough or some other strange place.. my following shots are good and I score well.  If I put the ball down the center of the fairway, my following shots suck.  Duh - I say to myself what the heck.  I think that one I'm "recovering" from a bad shot I concentrate better on the next shot resulting in a good score for the hole.  If I have a great tee shot I tend to let up and don't score as well.  Sooooooo -- lesson learned.. I think.

Anyhow life is fantabulous, the sky is beautiful, and the lawn is lush and green..  Have a great year!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What Am I doing At this Time of Day?

Well, for one thing, I do know it is very early - 3:45 AM.  My mind is just racing.  I had this strange dream about throwing a green tomato at a house - then offering the green tomato to my friends to eat.  They all said they liked "fried green tomatoes" ... except for the person who lived in the house - she said "I'll never eat part of that tomato."  How weird is that?

I'm looking out my study window - obviously I'm writing, but I'm also prepping an old HP Media PC to give to Kairi -- but really, this statement started with - looking out my study window - the moon is awesome!  A beautiful bright white - with the old man in the moon face looking gently down on the sleepy neighborhood.  I think I'd like a cup of coffee, my stomach feels a bit empty.

Today is the last "fix it" day for the old house before Miah gets back from his trip to Seattle - a Zumeiz management meeting.  He loves those "management meetings" - really, he does.  He says it is a fantastic company to work for.  I'm so glad he really likes what he is doing.

(Just had an IM with LS - technology can be a wonderful thing!)  Oh yah, on the "mind racing" thing -- it is a very slow race.....!

And we've reached the finish line.  TTFN - may all your moments be wonderful!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Well Heck - Time to Write eH

Yes, it has been almost one month.  I've been doing these fewer and farer between posts.  Not that I'm lazy or don't have anything to write - more like retirement keeps one very very busy.  The weather has kept things cool the past few days.  My golf game is erratic at best - like 39 on the front and 50 on the back (or worse).  I need to break all my drivers.

My boat trailer is broken.. but, the good news, I think Wendfal's dad can fix the broken part.  He picked it up Saturday - even after I screwed up the directions to our house.  For some reason I always get Prentice and Progress Drive ( we live on Progress Avenue) mixed up. 

Today is a drizzly day and cool, less than 50 degrees. Instead of golfing I'm sitting here catching up on paperwork, blogs, websites, games, solitude, and mostly thinking about the upcoming trip to Canada.  It is an annual outing with LS (that's "Little Sister"), Jack, and her "guest" of the year.  I told Wolfgang I was sorry not to take him this year, but I needed another driver.  Last year I did all the driving (2800 miles round trip)... and it is tiring -- at least for me.  Carolyn and I have a newer truck now.  She likes driving the pickup - so, she will be sharing the driving duties.  She's okay with that, as long as I promised to stop at the "Alien Cafe" in South Dakota.  (Yes, the food was pretty good! - so it is worth the short side trip... gotta fill the tank anyhow.)

I'm anxious to get the trailer fixed so I can get the boat out on the water and test it out.  I beat it up pretty bad last year.  Wolfgang remembers.

So, enough for the moment - may all your moments be wonderful! Awesome!  Fantastic! Joyful! and filled with love!