Thursday, February 24, 2011

Moods and Other Thoughts

I think I went to sleep in a foul mood - and therefore, I woke up in a foul mood.  Several hours have passed.  I realize now that I gave up control of my feelings to the desk clerk at the Radisson.  One should not ( I should not) allow that to happen -- it is senseless, after all I am responsible for my feelings and reactions to others and their discourtesies - who knows she may have been having a bad day (not that she had the right to make mine bad too, but).  Oh well, you can see where I'm headed with this.  A brisk walk with Carolyn this morning, finding a Starbucks within a reasonable distance of the hotel - has brought things into perspective.  I'm fine again and all is well with the world.

I'm not sure how far Tucson is from Scottsdale.  I'll have to look that one up.  Jay Hopkins of the Error Prevention Institute lives somewhere in the area.  It would be nice to visit with him again and see just how he is doing.  The name and the cause bring back other names like Larry and Barbara and others who fought the good fight of Error Prevention.

It is beautiful here - it is a very "rustic" view -- lots of cacti and other "strange" vegetation.  I say strange just because I don't recognize some of the flora and fauna.

It seems strange that I'm staying at a casino and I have not yet pulled the handle on a slot machine.  I may not on this trip - then again.  (Crashed - thank goodness of auto-save)

I'm surprised that some of the folks that come to mind above do not have Facebook pages - I don't know quite why I'm surprised, but I am.

I'm smiling, I'm back in the moment and once again I've taken back ownership of my feelings and emotions!  That is a good thing!  Take yours back too (if you've given them up to someone or something else!)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Trip Coming Up

Tuesday morning we'll head for Scottsdale.  Carolyn is attending a conference.  I'm going to do something - like sit at the pool and watch the swimmers swim and sunbathers sun bathe.  There are 200 some golf courses near there too.  I might take my clubs, I might not.  That is the good thing about being retired.  You can pretty much play things by ear.  I was always good at being on a schedule and keeping it - but I love not having one at all.

We shot our Archery league make up rounds yesterday.  Carolyn shot a 193 to my 111.  It'll be awhile before i even come close to being competition to her -- but that is a goal for me and I'm sticking to it for now.

The weather has been very cold in the morning but warms up nicely during the day.  Trenton and I have been chatting in the evening.  He is a cool kid.  All the grandkids are pretty cool.  I've asked Eric to come to Canada with me - I'm hoping (against all odds) that he will.  Carolyn would like for me to have company.  I will make the trip even if I do go it alone.  I've already indicated that I will take the long route through Iowa and caravan with the Montezuma and Minnesota contingents.

Mil has planned some great golf courses for the Myrtle Beach trip this year.  My score is already improving.  I shot an 85 on Thursday - in strong winds.  This is the year I get my handicap down to a 13 or better.  That's 6 strokes - I think I can do it.  I'm committed to more practice.

Enjoy your moments.  I know that I am enjoying mine!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Saturday - Carolyn's Birthday

She wanted to go out to breakfast.  We did.  We tried a restaurant that was recommended by Susan and Larry - Newbarry's -- it was an excellent breakfast.  We spoke with the owner afterwards - he remembered Larry and his mom coming in for breakfast (many years ago).

Jeremiah and Mandy dropped in later that evening.  Jeremiah proposed to Mandy after taking her to see "Midsummer Night's Dream" then off to the Brown Palace.  Chad took pictures.  We can't wait to see the photos.  Both Mandy and Jeremiah seemed very happy.  He even brought Carolyn flowers to help her celebrate her birthday.  Carolyn was surprised and happily so.

Sunday we drove around looking at Denver area archery ranges.  There were two we really liked.  We are going to go shooting on Tuesday.  We are both looking forward to that.  Have a great day and week - be in the moment whenever you possibly can.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"like OMG, like"

It is absolutely unbelievable.  I know that isn't a good sentence because you have no idea what "it" is. Well, "it" is the state of the English American language.  I will get to the point in a little bit.  We've had several days of very cold temperatures.  Today was another one.  Carolyn and I went to a Starbucks for coffee and tea.  It appears to be a place where "off duty" teachers hang out.

Carolyn and I were sitting close enough to overhear a lot of their conversation.  I swear that every 4th or 5th word out of their mouths was "like" or "like OMG".  Now I wonder if our grandkids get that nasty habit from the teachers, or, the very educated teachers get the "like" habit from them.  Like, what is the truth, like!  Frankly, I like, find it very, like, irritating.  If they could only hear themselves or see it all in writing -- they could nip that habit in the bud.  But, like, I seriously doubt it.  It wasn't just one of the teachers speaking that way, it was all of them - young and a little older alike, like.  Do they (the teachers) talk  that way in the classroom?  Maybe it is time for a grandparent classroom audit.

Are principals and superintendents of  our aware of this problem.  Apparently not, or I should think they would, like, do something about it.  I'm just saying!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 2011 Begins

I'm basically a very happy guy.  Life is good.  I've dropped below the 200lb mark.  This morning, 197.  Now that's good.  I've come a long way in a couple of months.  Carolyn and I have become Dr. Oz fans.  We pick up a lot of great hints about health.  The latest is 10 minutes of stretching for thing this morning.  I could only handle 4.  That means I've got a long way to go yet.  My next goal is 194lbs.  I keep changing my ultimate goal - but somewhere between 155 and 165 - it is definitely attainable.

With the weather the way it is, I don't think we'll be playing golf this week - about 11 degrees outside.  this follows our second snow of the year - we didn't get much, but I'll have to shovel the walks.

We got our Myrtle Beach golf schedule - it looks to be a great time.  We'll be playing 9 great courses this year.  But, Canada comes first.  I'll likely be going alone this year.  Carolyn isn't comfortable with that, so I may make the journey to Iowa first so I can caravan with the rest of the travelers.  I'm still working on a couple of possibilities for company.  Carolyn may even go, but I don't think she really wants to this year.