Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another Milestone

Awesome.  I've reached another milestone -- 199lbs.  I'm officially setting my next goal at 194 as of this morning.  I even got into a pair of 38  (down from 44) waist slacks yesterday.  Now that is a big change.  6" off the waist.  That means I'm dumping some of that "belly fat" that Dr. Oz says is so bad for you.

We played golf yesterday - despite the chill in the air.  We teed off at 22 degrees above zero.  When we finished (55/41) it was all the way up to 44 - a veritable heat wave.

Today is pitch day.  I always look forward to playing cards.  I love to play cards.  I guess it is one of those things that we kids really  picked up and enjoy.  Mom and dad were playing cards all the time..  Dad for all of his life.  I don't think mom plays much anymore. I need to call her - to say hi, love yah.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Computing and Such Things

Well, we finally got the PS3, Harmony One remote, and "wirelessized" the old computer -- they are almost all set up.  I think i'm about 92%  there.  I also got my laptop completely backed up yesterday -- I had to, the darn thing is acting kinda strange.  I believe it is overheating from time to time.

I tried using my older WD but the darn thing wouldn't work with Windows 7 - and no driver updates available.  So, I'll have to -- I don't know.  Something.

I also took a look see at a Vaio -- I couldn't get it running but do know that if they can find the original disks I can probably getting it working enough to save the rest of their stuff.  I love doing this kind of thing -- like the old days of tracking down a problem and fixing it - fixing it right.

All in all, this has been a really good week - I'm already looking forward to spending the day with Trenton tomorrow.

I do have to get to work on photos.  Spring cleaning is going great!  We've made some wonderful discoveries as we go through some of the stuff!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January Flying By

Hm.  January 2011 is fast fading ( away is assumed, but stated here for those who don't assume)!  Another thing that is fading is my excess body fat -- I'm now at 201.5 - that is 1.5 lbs from my next interim goal of 199.  I think it is awesome.  I look better, feel better and much less of me does help with all of that.

There is still snow on the ground from the last snow storm.  I guess there won't be any golf next week either.

I'm so looking forward to Canada this year again.  I hope brother Mike comes along.  I'm certainly trying to encourage him.  I enjoyed our time together last year - it was nice to have both a sister and a brother there.  fishing makes for some very enjoyable (and sometimes interesting) times together.

Carolyn and I have a very busy schedule today-- it will be full of wonderful moments to remember and to enjoy!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Day 2011

We made it.  Another day, another year, and a gazillion more moments.  I'm not one of the folks who makes New Year's resolutions - if you don't make em, there is no stress in keeping them.  Goals -- well, that is something a bit different.  Goals can be realistic, stretch or whatever you want them to be and about whatever you want them to be.  They can be as simple as "enjoy your moments" or as difficult as "improve your golf handicap by 5 - (19.2 to 14.2)".  Well, I have not set any goals yet either - maybe the two I just mentioned.

I should go look at last year's January 1 blog and see what I said.

Headed for Kindle and Drew's this evening for spaghetti and cards, should be fun.

I need to get serious about something this year - nah!