Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 4 2008 41/39

Hey not a bad score today. It was beautiful on the golf course--a nice quick 2.25 hour round and some excellent swings.

After we did grandparents day at Kairi's school. What a kick. There were lots and lots of grandparents in attendance.

Then we took a couch and chair to our grand daughter -- she's attending college in Greely -- the University of Northern Colorado. We went to dinner at the Village Inn (Wednesday is free pie night!).

Speaking of Golf -- first paragraph-- I gotta get over this mental thing when playing a certain x boss and x golf league partner ( he fired me as a partner - but we are still go golfing buddies). I think he still has me psyched - he's a darn good golfer. He typically has the lowest score of our Monday foursome - though I'm getting closer and closer and actual had the lowest score a couple of times - but, I can't seem to beat him regularly at the "dots game"! My turn will come - "be the ball"!

so, another great day!

You have a great one too - if not today, tomorrow! I know I will.

Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2, 2009

We played golf today - Coyote Creek had way too much snow so we drove on over to Saddleback. The temperature never got above 40 and the bunkers were about 90% full of snow - but, we did okay. I shot a 96 - not my best, but I was happy, especially with the conditions of the day.

got a note back from the folks in Germany today.

Election day is tomorrow. Aurora did everything by mail-in-ballot. It didn't seem worthwhile - seems there is a law that says there needs to be an election every year whether one is actually needed or not!!! Dumb.

well, not much for today - life is good!

I saw a blue jay this morning. The first one I've seen in a year

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 1

Well - a beautiful day after a few days of snow - about 24" of the white stuff. The Westies love it. No real news, but maybe this is bettr. Family and others may look if they wish -- or not. for some reason i can't bring myself to make phone calls. I'm not much of a conversationalist -- though I did get a reminder from mum to call more often

That darn phone system (Monte) for some reason almost any call I make from here to Monte really has delays before talking. Guess I should make some more phone calls just to check this theory out.

We didn't do Halloween this year. Went to the movies instead - we saw "Astro Boy" - pretty good -- it had some great messages (moral). I did indeed have a few emotional moments towards the end. We both recommend the movie.

I've played decent golf this year. I have my GHIN down to 18.1 -- that is about a 16 point improvement since early April this year. Most of the snow is melted, so the group will be able to play Monday - Yahoooooo!

I just cleaned the gutters - gotta clean em again. The trees have all been pruned for winter - wow, that is getting expensive.

I'm watching the Broncos and will be taking the dogs for a walk after the game. I wonder what Lewis is doing?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Just Some Thoughts

I retired last October - Since that time:

We have two dogs - Katie and Buddha
We've gon
We've to 12 weeks of dog training
I've lowered my average 18 hole golf scor from 110 to 92
I play golf 3 to 4 times a week instead of about once a month
I've finished remodeling the kitchen
I've joined Facebook
I've walked 4 or 5 miles every day (well, almost everyday)
I caught the biggst walleye I've ever caught 26"
I shot a 37 on the front nine at Fitz, best 9 ever
I had an 80 at Fitz, best 18 ever
I rarely if ever think about Lockheed Martin (I do think about friends from time to time)
I had the best trip i've ever had to Myrtle Beach.... (Didn't bring home the gator)
I nap whenever i want
I do whatever i want
Life is good
Love is great
Each moment is precious.....

so much more to do. How did i ever have time to work!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th 2009 - Raining in Aurora

This will be the puppies' first 4th. Lots of noise, but the neighborhood has been relatively quiet this year. I'm getting ready for the Martinez family reunion.

I'm also working on my golf game. My first goal was to consistently break 100 (below 100 that is). I think I've reached that goal - so, I've set a new one and that is to start averaging in the low 90's by the end of August 2009. I think it is a lofty goal - but attainable. I actually broke 100 several times at Myrtle Beach this year - a first for me - and someone else took the Alligator home this year - yahoo!

I've been working really hard on the Kitchen -- new cabinets are in - a dishwasher has been installed and I'm on the trim work - and that is work.

The squirrels are driving the dogs nuts -- that is what they do. It is fun to watch and somewhat frantic at times. I think the dogs wish they could climb trees. They'll start "intermediate" training next week. Gotta work on a few commands with Buddha before class.

Life is good - enjoy it. Don't put off doing something for yourself until tomorrow -- do it now!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Okay, a 62 and 53. Up and down and up and down. I will be competition sometime this year. 2 days to departure time. Dogs barking, squirrels chattering - eating the plastic ( heavy duty i might add) bird seed container. Squirrels are smart - period.

Looking for left over Canadian coins - not having much luck. so much to do - I think since I've retired, I truly am busier than I ever was before - but it is fun busy - fun and fullfilling (SP). Uwe called - 17 years since last contact. He and his family are coming to the states for a month in August. We are so looking forward to seeing him and meeting his family.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Getting Ready for Canada

Well, two golf lessons under my belt. Shot the worst two games I've ever shot -- 117, 126 - well maybe it was a bit worse a few times at Myrtle Beach. But on Tuesday I had an 89 at Fitzsimmons - Wahooo - I celebrated by buying a Nike hybrid 2 iron. I still can't hit a driver to save my life, but who cares if you are scaring well and don't need the damn thing.

Now to Canada - totally cleaned up the boat today, got all my gold jigs in order, rod storage cleaned out, made sure we had the life vests, all the safety things, smoke extinguishers and such. So looking forward to this trip.

I spent a lot of timing killing weeds today - maybe it is time to xeriscape part of the back yard and get started on the "fairy garden" - (Yes, "fairy garden" - one of Carolyn's dreams.)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's Been Awhile

Well, i took a golf lesson on Tuesday. Of course my game really sucked on Wednesday. My wife told me she would go to the course and hit some golfballs with me. That is great. Looking forward to it. it's only 10 days until we had for our spring trip to Canada. Looking forward to that as well.

the dogs are doing great. I've been retired for 6 months now. Loving it!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 2009 - Just Things

It has been awhile. We have two dogs at the house, its snowing (April 5), I called and left George a message - I haven't talked to him in 25 years. Sometimes, you just miss friends that you have not been in contact with for a long time. George is one of those folks. Why do we lose contact, what happens, what causes that spell where you lose contact. Could be kids and grandkids? Who knows, but, what brings the desire to be in touch back again.

Well, because your gut tells you to I think. We just brought the dogs in and had to bathe them. What a mess. they do so like to play together.

We cleaned the freezer out and gave about 40lbs of great food to Megan, she was very appreciative. She went back to school with a good friend.

Life is good. I'm so looking forward to our trip to Canada. Maybe George will go. That would be so great.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Second Time Around

Weird title for plastic bags. I did a good job of clean up in the basement at Mom and Dad's house. But - I screwed up with the plastic bags - I trashed them and didn't keep them, hundreds, if not thousands neatly folded and stashed away.

I don't know why I got rid of them so easily. We are not only creatures, but we are creatures of habit. The screw driver is back in the end of the table, with a plastic bag hanging round it, with old magazines that will not be read, but the labels need torn off and shredded.

I didn't understand it before, but i think I do now.

Mom, I believe, is more than ready to be on her own. I've got to find transportation and get back home. She certainly doesn't need me hanging around much. I just have to finish the garage. that shouldn't take long.

I'm ready for Canada and Myrtle Beach!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Things of Note

Katie is 14 weeks old - she has learned sit, down, stand, wait, stay, come, okay, leave it, drop it and such. She has been a real trooper in our travels this past week.

Dad has been in the hospital for more than a week - he may not come home. It is tough. But, I have no regrets - dad and I have always had a great relationship.

My wife drove home with the boys -- thy drove (will have driven) a total of 24 hours for a short, but rewarding, visit with their grampa. The girls flew out - and went back home yesterday. I stayed in Iowa.

One thing I've learned from Katie - live in the moment, dogs are like that. They don't hold grudges, they are joyful, anything more than 15 seconds is in the past and they move forward - at least Katie does.

The kids and Carolyn are such wonderful support. Miah is still special to grandma --

It is a cold, but beautiful day.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A New Hobby

Geocaching. My AFTAC Alumni buddies introduced me to this. I bought a very inexpensive Garmin eTrex. Katie (our new puppy) and I have found for caches - our first four. One I couldn't find. I'm so surprised at the number of caches that are close to our hose. I'm going to start a few "hide and seek's) of my own.

We have fun, get exercise and have learned more about GPS navigation, waypoints, and such.

Going to go look at boats I think.

We've had absolutely gorgeous weather. We played golf in gale winds this past Monday - It was like having a motorized golf cart...

Have a great day!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Marley and Me

A movie well worth the time. Take some tissues. You'll remember every pet you ever had and a lot about each of them.

I'm enjoying retirement. got a new puppy named Katie - she's a West Highland White Terrier - Westie for short - she is a real pill of a puppy!