Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Book of Mom - Maybe?

Just a Few of The Many nick-Knacks!
I'm planning my day.  I ran across my mother's poetry the other day whilst cleaning the house.  I've made a copy and of course returned the originals to their proper place.  I found some beautiful and pretty self-revealing poems.  I'll figure out a way to share with her children and grandchildren at some point.  Maybe in something called "The Book of Mom". 

I'm going to start cleaning the basement today - lots of dead bugs to vacuum up!  I'll also see what cleaning supplies are needed and take care of that.  I've started dusting upstairs -very carefully because there are literally hundreds of nick-Knacks! As I do this I visualize the happiness that was in the house and that I can still feel.  I wonder what joyous occasions and sad were held here.  I remember some of the Christmases in the basement - and Thanksgiving Dinners that mom and dad hosted while they were still able.

I remember the laughter, the tears, the conversation of mom and dad's children, spouses, and grand children! 

Dad Liked Taking the Pictures!!
I also think a wee bit about the things that we struggled through as family - a night I flew here from Colorado to help with brother Lew and the trip to the hospital the morning after.   I remember being here with Chad and Wendfal and our grand daughter Autumn and grandson Wolfgang.  I recall making a trip to one of Lew's holiday dinners with Carolyn, Jeremiah, Rosana and baby Kairi.  There was so much more - but these are the moments that come to mind this morning.

I do remember more the "Story House" - that is the last Montezuma house that I really lived in with the family - that's where we lived when LJ was born. The picture shows me and all my siblings except for sister Sharon.  LJ is the little clown in the lower left.  I think the dogs name was Tina Von Dockleheim or something like that!  I don't remember what Mom and Jacque-lee were discussing, but it must have been pretty interesting!

I'm sure today will bring lots and lots of memories and precious moments!  Make sure to enjoy your moments, each and every one of them!

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