Monday, July 25, 2011

Early in the Morning - (Reminds me of a song)

"About the break of Day! I asked my....."  Anyway, it is 2:33 AM and I'm wide awake.  We are a few days away from closing on our new home.  Sure, I think I'm a bit anxious about it all.  It has been a few years since we've had a mortgage payment.  We've got the move planned.  Yes, we can take our time, but for a couple of days anyway we really have to pay attention to detail.  We all know I'm not very good at detail.  I've even made lists for this move and I'm definitely not one to make lists.  Maybe that's we I'm a having a sleepless night.

It is hot -- the last few days have seen temperatures in the mid to high 90's.  We drove by Utah Park yesterday and the sign said 106!  My mind is scattered, thoughts going this way and that way, crisscrossing, intersecting, ending up God only knows where - maybe in these few thoughts.

I've asked Wolfgang if he wants to go fishing this coming weekend.  I hope to hear from him.  I've asked a few people to help us with the move - the kids, the grandkids, some of my golf buddies.  I've got one firm yes so far.  But it will happen and we will get it done.

I'm also a bit concerned about being a "landlord" for the first time.  I know brother Michael has been one for a long time and he seems to handle it very well.  I'm working on getting the "legal" stuff done, you know, the paperwork and all such - and wondering what steps I'm willing to take if rent isn't paid on time and all that. It scares me a little bit - just a little.

We've bought a few new things for the new digs (besides the dinnerware) - an electric lawn mower, an elliptical exercise machine, flatware, a dining room table.  I was listing rooms for my room measurement project - I counted 19 rooms not including closets and such.  That is a lot of rooms - more rooms than our last three domiciles combined!  Last night Carolyn and I were talking about "living upstairs", where to put televisions, what bedrooms to make spare bedrooms and which to make "man cave" and/or "woman cave", meditation and yoga room, weight room (exercise equipment) and such.

We will probably have some "dual purpose" rooms.  We've even talked about having a Murphy Bed in one of the spare rooms to help serve that "dual purpose" for when Carolyn has all the out-of-town sisters and brothers over for a week or weekend visit.  That will be nice to be able to do!

On a side note - I've lost 55lbs since November 29 of 2010.  I met my goal and I'm holding pretty steady at 162 to 165lbs.  I feel great.  I've gotten off Metformin (for diabetes).  My blood sugar (the doc calls it BS) is great and my total cholesterol is below 200 - the good stuff is over 55! I'll have to post a before and after picture one of these days - just to brag a bit more.  (I hear my sisters are doing really great and getting in shape too! Life is good.)

We are planning our trip to Germany next year.  We've corresponded a bit with Uwe and his family.  I think, once we get moved, we'll be able to really get the trip planned out.  In the meantime there are many present moments to live and to enjoy to the fullest!  Enjoy yours!  We'll certainly enjoy ours!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Home - New Dishes

So, today we went out and bought the first "new item" for our "new home" .... dishes.  Yup, that is right, new dishes.  Who'd a thunk dishes were so darned expensive.  But, we got one heck of a deal.  Three days ago the dishes were selling for 15.99 each, the cups 11.99 each, the bowls... well you get the idea! 

Corsica Round Crown Jewel Collection
Serendipity - today we decided to go make sure it is what Carolyn really wanted.  I told her I would be four dishes -- generous eh.  Well, we got to the store and they were on sale - like big time! Unbelievable 3.99 ea!  She got a service for 12 - well, pretty much - we figured we only needed 4 coffee mugs - we had to go to two different Kohl's venues to get all 12 of each - and, we lucked out and the second store even had the salad plates.  Wahoo!!! Carolyn's happy! And, when Carolyn is happy, I'm happy too - very!!!!

Ours are Round though, not square - awesome!!!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Birthday Reflections

The past year has been full of remarkable moments - so I guess I'll make a few remarks.
  1. Last year at this date I weighed 215 lbs.  This year I weigh 163.6 lbs - goal met
  2. My golf handicap was in the 20's - maybe higher.  My handicap is now at 16.7 - getting closer to my goal
  3. Last year at this time we had no intention of ever moving - on June 29th of this year, we bought a new house.  We close on July 28th - a new adventure begins
  4. Last year at this time we had no pets living here - now our grand daughter is living here with her two Westies.  Buddha is still Buddha!!!!
  5. Last year I was in hot water with some of the family - my bad - I think we have started the path to healing those relationships
  6. Last year, when in the shower and I looked down, I couldn't see my feet - this year I look down and I see everything --- (I know, TMI - but its important to me!)
  7. Last year I was on diabetic medication.  A few days ago, my doctor told me I didn't need to take it any more.  Wahoo......  Of course, I still have to check to make sure my Blood Sugar is in check.
  8. Last year my cholesterol was over 200 and my HDL was less than 40.  This year my cholesterol is under 195 and my HDL is over 60 -- that's great!
  9. Last year I was impatient...... I still am!
I wonder what wonderful things this year will bring!  I'll let it be a surprise!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Making the decision to buy a new home was easy for me- and, I think, makes sense to Carolyn.  Leaving the old home is not quite as easy.  There is a lot of history here.  Raising children, the joys, the sorrows, the good times, and the not so good times - all come back as we move from room to room, packing some things and discarding others.

Kindle slept here, Heather there, Jeremiah here and there, Chad here, and there.  The devil on the door, the stereo equipment and the waterbed.  Girl friends, boy friends, first dates, first days at school and first days coming home from school.  The arguments over homework... the parties in the back yard and in the house.  The pets - Sheba, the cats - Gizmo and many others.... the Christmases, the thanksgivings... Easter egg hunts birthday parties and so very much more.

The struggles and the joys - always the love shared and a willingness to share our home with the kids married or not married bringing and even having their kids here.  The joy when they each found first loves and their second.  The heart breaking break ups of a first serious relationship.... the teenager coming of age... the pre-schooler going off to school.

Playing their first instruments!  Flutes, trumpets, drums.. cheerleaders, poets, singers, and lovers.... growing up and all the love, joy, happiness, laughter, pain, anguish - fighting - what ever it took to try and hold things together....

The washer and dryer seemingly running without ever stopping!  New cars, used cars, lots of cars, broken cars... bicycles, lawn mowers...

The pumpkin patch -

the most beautiful tree in town... The trees that blew over in the wind!  I'll miss the trees - but I'll love other trees.... maybe not as much as the big one in the front yard.

The foreign exchange students, the camping trips, the family nights - the games - the first Atari, the Odessy, all the tennis shoes....

I shed a few tears this morning -- Carolyn sheds them more often.  Its hard to leave 31 years of history - but, in the end I'm looking forward to a new beginning - leaving the old moments behind - giving them grace - and welcoming the new moments and adventure to come -- and all the family get togethers around the corner... space to celebrate...

Somehow we didn't need space -- everything was always full of love, laughter, tears -- raised voices -- whispers - moments... many, many, many wonderful moments past and yet to come!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Packing for a Move

I never knew I would need so darn many boxes.  But, it is all "fun" - and somewhat emotional - especially after having raised a family and hosted so many folks over the past 30 years.  I am thankful that we don't have as many books as we used to have - but, there is still so much stuff!!!

I played golf yesterday and am catching up on a lot of "office type" stuff right now.  Oh yah, I got the transponder mount on the boat fixed too.  Now to go and do some fishing.  I thought I might do it today but we are going to go look at some furniture and to a book store.  I'm going to (as is Carolyn) explore interior decorating a bit.

We are still discussing what to do with what rooms and the new digs.  I can't call it home yet - because this is home.  Missing the grandkids and kids for some reason - much more than usual today.  Carolyn and I have been so very blessed.

Speaking of golf - I did mention that earlier - my drives have gone a bit awry again.  Oh well, if it isn't one thing, its another.  I have, though, improved my handicap.  It is now at 16.7 - not bad, but, a way to go to hit my goal.  I've set that at 13 for this year.  It is doable.  I have a lesson with Dan on Saturday - working on the short game!

Moments - they are to be lived to the fullest.  I hope that you are living yours well!  and happily!