Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another Year Coming to an End

Larry hosted a surprise birthday party for my sister-in-law Susan last night.  I truly believe she was absolutely surprised.  Good work Larry.

We did play golf this week.  Next week is not looking so good.  We have played the final round of 2010 unless tomorrow is freaky warm for this time of year.

We are getting our first Aurora snowfall of the season.  The ground is not white yet, but it soon will be.  The snow is coming down like it really means business.  
We got a PlayStation for Christmas.  I've been learning how to use it.  those controls have way too many buttons.  Mastering this will take awhile.

It has been a really good year - awesome really.  Carolyn and I have traveled more than we have in the previous 42 years of our married life.  We enjoyed the journey, the discovery, the joy.  We've learned a new card game and play on Wednesdays.  We visited all (ALL) of the kids and their families.  What a wonderful Christmas bringing joy and healing to 2010.  Live, love, and enjoy all your moments.  It is the right thing to do.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day 2010

Well, yesterday we were able to talk to mum and some of my brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews and other family on a video conference.  Today we visited the kids and sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas".

It was a fun and very family oriented morning--awesome really.

This has been a really wonderful year.  Sure, there have been rough moments, but those were few.  We had a wonderful trip to visit family that doesn't live in Colorado.  We learned to play "Miller" and "Pitch".  We've seen some good movies.  I think I improved my golf handicap by about 3 strokes.

The weather has been unusually warm so we are playing more golf this winter than we did last winter.  That's a good thing.

I think our health is improving.  Carolyn is doing very, very well and I'm losing weight slowly but surely.  I reached my first goal and I'm working on my second goal.  I think if I do this a few pounds at a time I'll get to the bottom line weight of 165 sometime in 2011.

Just a few days left of 2010 - but many more enjoyable moments to come.  Enjoy yours.  Live them to the fullest.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hack, Hack, Hack

I hate it when Carolyn isn't feeling well.  I don't know why, it just turns my whole world upside down.  I don't deal with it very well.  Poor kid.  I do try and make her comfortable and tell her to take it easy - but no.....  Well, she seems to be driven.  At least today I talked her into calling the Dr.  I even said I would pick up the grandkids and take them to Barnes & Noble to wrap packages.   We all have to make sacrifices.

I did play golf yesterday.  I shot a 50/46 -- starting off with a 10 on number 1, that's 10% of the total score on one darn hole.  I believe I got something figured on the driver.  I can't wait for the next opportunity - Monday perhaps.

In the meantime, I hope Carolyn gets to feeling a whole lot better.  So far I've avoided the ailment - fingers crossed and knocked on wood!

Friday, December 17, 2010

My Wife is Special

It has been a bit since I've felt like blogging.  This evening, Carolyn came home and wanted to talk.  She offered to give me a Christmas present that brought me to tears.  I can't say anymore, but....

I was sitting in the coffee shop the other day and heard I guy talking about his wife and how he couldn't stand to be in the house with her.  It was horrible.

I am so blessed to have Carolyn in my life -- for many reasons. Not for the gift she told me about this evening, but for the gift she is every day.  She is an interesting, vivacious, talented, energetic woman - who gives her all to everything she does.  She enjoys the kids, the grandkids, her friends and family and - hopefully me.  There is really no doubt about that...  We've been married for 43 years.... and it has been wonderful the whole time.  We have our differences - that makes life more interesting.  We also both like our private alone time -- that makes the together time that much more special.  Nuff said for now!

Monday, December 6, 2010

207.5 -- First goal met! Next step 202

Well, I did it.  I met my first goal, to lose enough weight to weigh less than 209.  that has been done since the last post.  Awesome!  Now to keep on going.

I decided earlier last week that I would like to learn to play pool.  I'm going to ask my daughter-in-law if she will teach me.  She played in a league back in Blue Springs.  I'm also thinking about another trip back home.  Just feels right.

I've got most of my Christmas shopping done!  There's a first!

I don't have much to say this morning.  I'm just celebrating the little things in life.