Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Typical Daze

No, it isn't a spelling area. Ever feel like there were days when you were just in a daze. Sometimes I think that is just the way things are and it is very, well "typical". You go from one thing to another - being there, but not really "being there". See, I think being in a daze is definitely the opposite of being in the moment.

Like right now... just experiencing the smells, the colors, the breeze coming through the window, leaves to soon turn color - fluttering, coffee, focus, it is so awesome The awesomeness is in how much we can perceive and sense with our whole being. so how come we go into this "daze". Is it sensory overload - is it a sign of unhappiness with where we happen to be? I don't think so. I do think it is just avoidance of the abundance that is ours to enjoy - because it does, believe it or not, require a level of committment to that moment that we happen to be in.

So - I think I'll go fishing!

And at this point you are all well, maybe someone is asking -- huh? What is the connection. Well, fishing seems to be one of the places it is very easy for me to "be in the moment" and not in a daze!

So love the moments you got! Be in them! Enjoy!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Truth is Out There

Really, it is. I hate to borrow the phrase from x-files but in this case it is the only phrase that really works. There gathered around the campfire near the Oasis Restaurant and the Great Sand Dunes in the San Luis Valley - were 60 or 70 people and ... yes, at least one unknown entity. Carolyn and I arrived late - we listened to Stan speak. After I had gauged that we were in for the durination I went to get Carolyn a chair. I stood directly behind her and watched in toatl disbelief across the circle -- flames flickering in the center. Out of the dark two piercing whitish blue "eyes" surrounded by darkness.

I told myself this is good. these folks even dress up - fully believing that there was someone dressed up as an alien - no one seemed to notice, but I sure did. The eyes were so alive and yet so indescribable. I certainly couldn't believe what I was seeing and I was sure everyone else saw exactly the same thing. The "eyes" never once blinked. The entity appeared to have a camera, though I couldn't tell - 3 amber led's across the top and a weird flash. Was it taking pictures of us?

I glanced away and glanced back several times it was still there, still staring, though now, I think aware that I was aware - I think for at least four minutes. I said not a word - even whent the group was asked if anyone had anything to share. I was very sure this was some sort of practical hoax or just an innocent costume.

Shortly after the "entity" became aware that I was aware it bobbed and suddenly dissappeared. It reappeared - though I didn't see its eyes again on the left of the group briefly and on the right - and I mean appeared, I did not see it move, then was gone and I retired to the car and waited for the "event" to finish.

That isn't all, Carolyn and I somehow lost 2 hours of time driving up to the valley. It is a simple 4 hour drive that took us about 6 and 1/2 hours. Coming home took a bit over 4 hours including stops. Okay, you tell me what happened to two hours. the rain was so hard that we did pull over at one point, but surely we had not pulled over for two hours .... surely we had not. This all happened on the 15th of August, 2008.

Talking about living your moments, but losing 120 minutes?????????

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Short Reprieve

arggg! Yes, I know it isn't a word, but, it does emote some intensity when you say it with the right emphasis.

Carolyn and I celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary this week. Each and every year has been wonderful and we look forward to many more. We are going sky watching this weekend. It is about a 4 hour drive to the Great Sand Dunes and Hooper, Colorado - population 125. Carolyn will do most of the sky watching, I'll be doing something other than sky watching - maybe... I've not made my mind up yet.

It'll be fun whatever we do. You know, I remember as a kid skywatching at Montezuma's country club. Mom, Dad, myself and brothers and sisters watched the daytime skys for airplanes. I think it was from a cinderblock pump station for the club house pool. There was a phone on the wall. If we saw an airplane or something, we had to compare it to a chart of shapes that were on a sheet of paper, and then call it in. That had to be in the mid 1950's - it was part of the families civic duties. Hmmmmm interesting corellary -- I think Carolyn and about 100 other sky watchers will be looking for something else!

Went to see Dark Knight - gotta go see it again. Carolyn had her eyes closed for most of the movie. The Joker was fantastic - Bruce Wayne was one of the best yet. I think this and Batman the Beginning are the best two of the series. They both followed the original 3 or 4.

Patti - where are you? I did hear from the rest of the family. I don't think Patti likes or looks at email - I myself probably spend way too much time at the computer. I find it peaceful.

Fishing hasn't been great lately, but I still like to go. The skys are gray and it has finally cooled down a bit. The grass, laying dormant, is finally coming back to life again -- it really got hit hard this summer.

Take a break, have some fun, enjoy life!

Monday, August 4, 2008

It Has Been Awhile

Toooooo Hot to fish. I'm traveling this week. I've been lazy. We saw one bad movie and one pretty good movie this weekend. Skip X-files. They have totally lost their way -- "The Truth is NOT OUt there".

On the ohter hand Branden Fraiser and Jet Li's mummy movie is loads of fun and non-stop action - you'll enjoy that if you like action flicks.

I know this isn't much - but, it is something. Keep your moments precious, they are allyou have.