Thursday, July 24, 2008

I Love It -

Well, many things. My new 3 iron and the Hybrid 21 degree were worth the price. Carolyn and I went golfing with C and W last evening. We had a blast - played 9 at Fitzsimmons then a great supper at Mama Alvino's. (left overs today, yummy)

Fishing hasn't been great lately - I'm trying everything and I'm not about to give up. I may go out after work today - if it cools down a bit.

Well, I know it isn't much, but it is something.

Enjoy your moments...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It Has Been Written

I got official notice it was read, therefore, it was written. Thank you son - at least those were the initials.

Busy, busy, busy. That is the way things are right now. Hot, hot, hot - that is weather right now. I wish we could get some of that mid-America rainfall.

Have yourself excellent moments and an excellent day!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Who Cares Anyway?

Well, I do for one. There is the realization that no one reads these things. I don't read other blogs - but then, I've never looked for other blogs or don't know anyone who has one.

I was thinking this morning though - if no one ever reads it, is it ever really written? Sort like the question of the tree falling in the woods. It is a philosophical question. It isn't what is written so much as the writing itself that is important - even cathartic. I am definitely more dedicated to this than to maintenance of the family web site... which definitely needs some updating.

I was excited to do it when I first started - but sort of drifted when nonone really seemed to care. Perhaps they do, but just don't ever mention it. I don't check the statistics to see if it has even been accessed.

Went fishing this morning with the lovely Carolyn. I caught 2 something or others - one on a rap pearch and one on a little gold spinner. Nothing else. We didn't keep either fish as I was really looking for a walleye - I might have kept a big crappie too - but, alas, didn't get one.

I still have frozen trout in the fridge - so wasn't interested in them.

If Tanner reads this -- I got gimbaled cup holders... cheap ones, but they are mounted and ready to go.

I really would like to get out and play some golf this week I got a 3 iron I want to check out. Maybe a quikie 9 holes some cool evening. I also got a new Lob wedge and 1 of those 21 degree trouble hybrids - a Dimension Z to match the rest of my clubs.

Well - the next 4 weeks will be a roller coaster (is that one word?)! Especially of emotions I think.

The most important thing for me to remember and focus on right now -- each and every precious and beautiful moment! Carolyn asked me "what is it about fishing that you love so much?" Easy answer - when I'm on the lake - there is nothing in the world that is on my mind - a big empty - anticipation for the bite -- but not a lot -- mostly just nothing - a meditation of creation, peace - and jubilation. It is a celebration of universality!

So, if no one reads it, is it really written?

Sunday, July 6, 2008


What are they for? Well, more than anything, I think they are for enjoyment, laughter, family, alone time, movies and popcorn, fishing and golf for the non-retired, that kind of stuff.

Carolyn is off on another adventure later today - she is becoming a real activist in some things - the things that she especially enjoys. I'm not much of an activist myself. But, I do support her in whatever she chooses to be active in.

I'm putting in new doors (interior). This house is a mess from construction or settling perspective. Nothing is square. I'm working on the first door, did all the measurements and crap -- nothing is fitting. A two our job is going to take 50 hours I think. I managed to get the metal door jam's out -- easier than I thought it would be, a hack saw and a claw hammer and they wre gone.

However, when you measure the jam at the top and it is 30 " and at the bottom it is 29 1/2", argg. Then you buy these hollow core doors, with 1" blocking, or pre hung doors - trying to make them fit is well, extremely frustrating. I will get there. I gotta admit, the new door does look better than the old door - which our son had artfully decorated with some strange beings.

The weather is finally a bit cooler today. So, I'm getting some outside work done. Did I say I think I'll go fishing this evening?

Well, enough for now - enjoy your moments, they are limited!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Reality Hits

Not really - reality is always with us, sometimes we just don't realize it -really. The beauty of being "in the moment" is that you are in reality all the time. there came a moment this morning that I did, though, realize that my heart really isn't in it anymore -- work that is. Now, that is a a confession of sorts because the last couple of years have been the best and most rewarding working years that one can live - interesting, challenging, great people, failures, successes, team work, laughter and yes, even a few tears.

So, where is all of this leading (aside from the slight fear that someone might actually read this)? An opportunity has come up and I'm hoping to take advantage of it. That could mean a whole new, more relaxed, more joyful - if you can imagine that, more family focused life style. The paper work has been submitted. I'll know in a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, I'll continue giving 100% - one really can't give 110% or more - 100% is really all we all have.

Be in your moments - live, love, laugh, linger!