Monday, June 30, 2008

Fishing, Golfing, and carpentry

yes, well - don't buy those cheapy doors at home depot. Nuff said. We live in an old houese with metal door jams. Nothing is square, they are all different sizes.. argg. Well, bottom line, if igured out how to geth the darn things out -- hack saw and hammer, 2 cuts, and yank. Now i can replace with a door that is pre-hung.

golf - I hit the heck out of a 4 iron at Myrtle beach this year. I ordered a matching 3 iron today. Look out guys. I passed on the 2 iron to make sure i can hit the 3 iron first. I'm playing golf in the morning with my sons-in-law. It should be fun.

Fishing - Carolyn has basically said I can get a "bigger boat" - I need to cure that Canada boat and motor envy. I'm shopping. I did promise I'd get the kitchen cabinets done first. So - I got lots to do - lots. Carolyn and I went fishing at Chatfield Sunday. it was a bust - 1 tiny something or other i didn't even recognize. We were fishing fake stuff. I'll have to try some live bait next trip - other folks said they were catching some walleyes. Must be too many in the lake because the limit is 5, not 4, like the rest of the state. I'll be going back out soon.

Life is soooooo good. I'm enjoying it likeeach and every moment is absolutely special - try it. You'll like it!

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Reunion

Bottom line it was an excellent family reunion. It was well attended - from the eldest to the very youngest. Some folks came a long way. Kathy and Jim hosted it on a piece of property that has been in the family for many years - beautiful stream, camping bowerie (sp - bowery?), camp fire site, horseshoes, trampolines, golf course ( yup - a golf course), swings and beautiful trees.

We shared memories of grandma and grampa Collins - it was clear that grampa was somewhat of a story teller and it was also clear that he and grandma were dearly loved and remembered by all they touched. I think especially memorable were the stories of the feather board, the hole in the floor, the fishing...

We certainly had plenty to eat (5lbs gained by me). I'll work hard to lose that this week. Carolyn and I got to spend quality time with Mum and Dad, Jacque and Howard, and Sharon and Danny. Mike and Vicki - had more trouble in two days than anyone deserves in a year - and didn't complete the journey.

Somehow I was convinced - well, Carolyn and I were convinced - to host this thing in 2010. I'll be recruiting some help from the kids.

We all received some family memory and geneology books that Kathy and Jim put together for us. All of us had sent in pictures and memories - makes for a good read. I promised to get copies made for those that were not able to attend.

It was good to be together and see some cousins not seen in a long time, some nephews and nieces and such. Mom and Jim are the only two siblings with us now - it is good to see that they are so vital and giving of themselves to all of us. Family is, afterall, one of the most important relationships we all have!! Enjoy and remember each other.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Golf Trip

What a trip. What heat. What exhaustion. What great golf. I think I did better this year than in the past although -- I lost the banana split tournament again, and brought home the alligator once again. I did find out that I can hit the heck out of a 4 iron though. Time to put away the driver, or find one I can hit. It just doesn't feel right getting up on the tee box with an iron when everyone else has these clubs with humongous heads. Oh well, it is the results that count. I'm gonna try a 3 iron, then a 2 iron and see what I can do.

The guys were all great, but we all struggled a bit with 36 holes a day - especially with the hot weather. We'll be modifying that next year. Mostly 18 hole days and 1 or 2 ( at most ) 36 hole days. There are a few courses where we could do 27 holes. Some of the layouts, like Heather Glen and World Tour are made of 3 9's. We could probably do that.

I started the week of a winner, ended up down a few bucks. BF - man can he hit a ball - when he is on. His game was looking really great the last couple of rounds and he came out the big winner.

GG had his stuggles, threw a club or two - all in frustration -- all in all, though, he was driving the ball pretty good and putting - well in ordinantly well.

MT - Always in the fairway - consistent drives, couldn't hit an iron to save his life. For the more statesman guy on the trip he done great.

Now for me LF - I don't get too down on myself, but.... I did have a lot of water balls (statistics to come). For some reason, if you put a pond in front of me, or beside me, I find it -- even though others would say the water isn't even in play!!! I'm committed, absolutely committed to being a better golfer by our next trip. Yet another reason to think more about retirement.

We played some really good new courses. The thing about Myrtle is there are a lot of really neat layouts, pretty courses, and lots of different kinds of trouble to get into. Caladonia and Heritage are still tops -- just absolutely beautiful. I'm already looking forward to next year! See you on the links!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Back in Colorado

No interenet out there. Well, extremely limited. So I just waited for home. What a great trip to Canada -- despite all the driving and high gas prices, the trip was worth it. Funny that I find myself a bit speechless at the moment. I did feel it necessary to at least post something - habit you know.

Pickup, boat, trailer, new motor, all worked extremely well. One minor problem with the motor, but being a good "McGyver" I took care of that - I'll have to plead a bit with the dealer so the warranty isn't violated, but I've got all the good reasons in the world.

Wolfgang caught his first walleyes and northerns. We got some excellent pictures, and, can perhaps share some of those.

And who said Lanny can't drive for more than an hour. We drove 2850 miles on this trip. I drove all but 3.5 hours. Carolyn actually enjoyed driving the pickup truck though. It didn't seem to be as tiring - maybe it is the comfort - as driving a car that far.

We had all the weather - sun, sleet, snow, rain, sun. On the second morning, our boats were all a mess -- the back end of mine (stern) was sunk and half the boat flooded. Wolfgang and i got it bailed out and by midday, the weather was great and we were fishing again.

I learned a lot on this trip, made every mistake imaginable - and I mean every mistake one would think I could make with boats, ropes, motors, anchors - all of them.

Well, more to come! have a great day. I think one of the big lessons we all learned on this trip, is that almost everything we take so serious when it comes to problems, are really pretty trivial things...