Thursday, August 29, 2013

Behind on Practically Everything - So, Who Cares

For a guy who abhors lists - I sure make a lot of lists.  Here's one of them:

A couple of things on my mind:
  1. when the sun comes through the window it reveals places I missed when I last dusted  
  2. A slow computer is better than no computer, but barely 
  3.  I'm in a cleaning mood - starting with the garage 
  4.  coffee is always better when it's Irish style  
  5. one hour of cleaning is enough.. the rest can wait for tomorrow!  Have a great day!
A few things I have not started or completed:
  1. MYR Golf Trip report - woefully overdue
  2. New floor in the Laundry room and guest Bathroom
  3. Stain and or do the mini-deck -  never done that, not looking forward to it, but it should only take an hour or so
  4. What to do with the Plasma TV


Writing is something some people do to clear their minds, others to pass the time, others for a living - there are many reasons to write.  Sometimes I think I write just to engage my mind in something other than meaningless drivel. August2013 has been a month of tremendous highs and lows - my little brother Lewis (LJ) passed away after a fight with cancer and then chicken pox.  Chicken pox took his life... I spent  a lot of time going over hundreds of pictures and putting together a family album - most of the album had been accomplished by Mum- totally assembled by hand, in sequence, from literally hundreds of photos.  She did an album for each of us kids.I'm not sure I appreciated how much love she put into those albums.  Carolyn and I were looking through those pictures when Lew passed away.  Those were low moments and high moments.

We, Carolyn and I, celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary.  We went to Aspen and enjoyed walking along the Rio Grande and especially the walk through the John Denver Garden Sanctuary and Garden of Songs - mostly it was a time for us to be together away from a lot of other things.

This is a picture from the garden.  The water so clear that you can see the bottom river rock - and so reflective that you can see yourself.  Maybe that is what writing is all about - about reflection and clarity - peacefulness and peace of mind.  There is so much that we take for granted and so little that many of us - me for one - are thankful for and there is so much to be thankful for.  It is like sharing your thoughts with yourself - and in some ways hoping that those who might happen to read those thoughts become more mindful of things that are important to them.  That thought brings a smile to my face - looking at this particular picture reminds me to live in the moment.  The picture is one of both permanence and fleeting moments, and the passing of time - yet there is always something that remains, almost constant -  for over the years and millennia, things do change - sometimes imperceptibly, sometimes catastrophically.  This particular month of this particular year has seen all of those extremes - constancy and change - full of tears, love, laughter, rage, tenderness and joy and so much more.

We are feeling beings with emotions that are ever changing - it makes life exciting and very, very precious.  It is nice to be able to share with you and be able to share and reflect with myself as well.  Be at peace....  feel loved - because certainly, you are loved - take pause and absorb all that there is to absorb - it  is okay, even beneficial to relax, reflect, do nothing - but be!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

It Has Been Some Time - Life Isn't Always Easy

Boy, that is an understatement.  I find myself in the chaos of many emotions.  Carolyn and I have been married for 46 wonderful years (August 12th).  Daily, we continue to discover new nuances about each other.  Some of those nuances confuse me about.  I find myself reacting in different ways than I used to.  I'm not sure if it is maturity, wisdom, or the lack of those things.   I find myself in a quandary about things - discovery is a good thing.

I tend, I think, to get upset about littler things - but then do a lot of reflection on those things.  Physically, I think I'm in better shape than I have ever been - emotionally, maybe, I'm not quite as stable.  But, I've always been an emotional person.

Brother Lew is in poor condition.  He's got some kind of viral infection that really has him down.  He'll been going to Iowa Methodist today. 

Just remodeled the Laundry room.  The new washer arrives today.  The Whirlpool we bought two years ago didn't last 2 years..... arggggg.  We did great a great deal on a top rated (by Consumer Reports) Samsung washer.

Next up remodel the guest bathroom.

Playing golf - Monday I shot an 81, Wednesday 104 - on the same golf course - wtf is that all about.  I think maybe a different state of mind.

Ah well, that is life and you gotta love it and live it to the fullest - more house chores today!