Thursday, February 28, 2013

End of the Month

February 28 -- end of the 2nd month of 2013... All endings are new beginnings.  I'm always ready for new moments, new days.. new beginnings.  This isn't going to be one of those long philosophical posts.. just a note to welcome the month of March.  March - "in like a lion, out like a lamb"...  Well the lion arrived a few days early and will perhaps a couple of more weeks we will see what it brings.

I'm looking forward to playing some golf and enjoying my Colorado family...


Thursday, February 14, 2013


  • It has taken awhile, but I've drawn the conclusion that I'm really not a Twitterer
  • But, there are Tweeters I like to follow
  • Geese all face the same direction when the wind is blowing, doesn't make any difference if they are on ice, land, or water - no matter how big the flock!  Check it out some time.
  • It is worth getting up late on a clear night just to look at the stars
  • it is worth getting up early in the morning just to check out the sunrise
  • Ice is slick - even when you can't see it
  • Birds are interesting creatures
  • Love, live, laugh (I know it is not an original thought)
  • Carolyn is a treasure that I truly treasure
  • Mom is mom some days and I'm not sure on other days
  • Sometimes we disagree so that we can come to mutual agreements
  • Compromise is NOT always a good thing
  • Quiet can be good, but it can also be very disturbing
  • Feeling guilty doesn't accomplish anything
  • Follow your gut! (Intuition may be a better word)
  • Smile at folks, even strangers
  • Microsoft messes with more than your computer
  • Grampa Collins told a lot of "tall tales" that, as it turns out, weren't necessarily tall tales
  • Golf is a sport that messes with you - as you mess with it
  • It is fun to watch the wind
  • Kids
  • I hate lists so why am I making one?
  • Fishing - it speaks for itself
  • Philosophy - I get philosophical at the strangest moments
  • We are all a little bit crazy - some of us more than others
  • Happiness is a state of mind, body, and spirit
  • To live in the moment is to truly live
  • Sometimes I wake up exhausted!  It makes me wonder if reality occurs in my dreams or if the thing I think is reality is, in reality, a dream and that is why I wake up exhausted????
  • Tears can be shed for many reasons - or, for no reason at all
  • Did you know the lips have more nerve endings than any other spot on the human body?
  • Sex is a good thing (I know, maybe that is TMI) - but it was one of my thoughts - frequently is
  • No matter the time of year, trees are beautiful
  • I forgot to put out the trash this morning - ah well, wasn't much to put out - that's a good thing, not making a lot of trash
  • Sometimes I eat and I don't know why
  • Friends - I have some I love and I have some I can't stand but I love anyway!
  • Human contact - hmmmmmm (just a passing thought)
  • Imagination is interesting, I can't imagine life without it - or can I - but, that would be imagining
  • I like steak
  • and Alaskan King Crab Legs
  • and lots of other foods
  • In some instances precision is important in others, it is a total waste of time and resources
  • Love is
  • Laughter can turn things around for the good
  • Nuff said!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tribute to Mommy - by Hailey J Dearman

Happy birthday to my beautiful mommy :) I couldn't ask for a better mom than her because she's simply the best. She brightens my day just be being around ♥ (hmm except when she wakes me up for school in the morning!) but other than that i'm so proud of her and everything she does for me and the family! This place is really chaos without her! I just hope she realizes how much she means to me. Can't imagine life without her. She's one of the strongest most influential people I know. My favorite quality about her? The way that she can keep smiling and laughing even when times are tough :) Love you mommy ♥
Afternote:  I could not pass posting this.... I am so proud of my children and grandchildren... and many times blessed by them and their love for each other.