Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Annual Migrations

1st North to Canada, then south to Myrtle Beach.  It is indeed an annual migration.  I'm already more prepared than ever before.  I've got one box of dried goods that include snacks that would well - come close to matching Pat's annual stash - at least in quantity, if not quality.  Another box is almost full.  One thing to do yet is get the boat on the lake and run the Merc up - maybe practice my walleye techniques.
As for Myrtle, well, I'm getting my game finally tuned.  I've got new clubs, a new attitude, and a lower handicap index.  I'm getting in a lot more golf.  I've also found a new ball that I really like  -- the Top Flight (yes, I said Top Flight) Gamer.  It is a great ball and only 1.50 / ball instead of the 4.50 / ball a Pro V1 would set me back.  I gotta watch those pennies or quarters.

So, yes, I'm very excited to enjoy some fabulous new moments.

Congrats to a graduate - Shawna Brown!!!!!!  The pizza party was great.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Not Much to Say

Really.  I don't even know why I'm posting this evening.  Well -- I have set a couple of new goals.  I've reached my next weight loss goal of 179.5 - I actually hit 178.5 this morning.  So, time to set a new goal.  I'm going to set my goal for 174.  That will take me about 5 weeks.  With two trips coming up though, it might be pretty difficult to accomplish in that time.  But, I'm committed so it WILL happen.

A second goal this golf season is to get my handicap down 5 to 6 more strokes.  Right now, my GHIN is 18.5.  That is the lowest that it has ever been.  So I'm shooting for a 13 handicap. I'm taking some lessons this summer, playing more golf, and working on my game -- .

I've got a lot accomplished of late... and lots more to accomplish.  Live your moments to the fullest!  Congratulations to all of the graduates, high school, community college, college and all other graduates.