Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Okay, a 62 and 53. Up and down and up and down. I will be competition sometime this year. 2 days to departure time. Dogs barking, squirrels chattering - eating the plastic ( heavy duty i might add) bird seed container. Squirrels are smart - period.

Looking for left over Canadian coins - not having much luck. so much to do - I think since I've retired, I truly am busier than I ever was before - but it is fun busy - fun and fullfilling (SP). Uwe called - 17 years since last contact. He and his family are coming to the states for a month in August. We are so looking forward to seeing him and meeting his family.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Getting Ready for Canada

Well, two golf lessons under my belt. Shot the worst two games I've ever shot -- 117, 126 - well maybe it was a bit worse a few times at Myrtle Beach. But on Tuesday I had an 89 at Fitzsimmons - Wahooo - I celebrated by buying a Nike hybrid 2 iron. I still can't hit a driver to save my life, but who cares if you are scaring well and don't need the damn thing.

Now to Canada - totally cleaned up the boat today, got all my gold jigs in order, rod storage cleaned out, made sure we had the life vests, all the safety things, smoke extinguishers and such. So looking forward to this trip.

I spent a lot of timing killing weeds today - maybe it is time to xeriscape part of the back yard and get started on the "fairy garden" - (Yes, "fairy garden" - one of Carolyn's dreams.)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's Been Awhile

Well, i took a golf lesson on Tuesday. Of course my game really sucked on Wednesday. My wife told me she would go to the course and hit some golfballs with me. That is great. Looking forward to it. it's only 10 days until we had for our spring trip to Canada. Looking forward to that as well.

the dogs are doing great. I've been retired for 6 months now. Loving it!!!!!!!!!!!