Saturday, July 17, 2021

 Well.... our live in family changed again yesterday!  Grandaughter Kairi Fahlenkamp left her job with American River Cruises...So now Jeremiah, Bishop, and Kairi are with us.  She got here late last night, so we didn't have time to discuss much!  But, there will be some discussion!

So this morning was anothrr early morning!  Baked 2 batches of scones, redid the bottom three stairs of the landing (after Carolyn pointed out a valid issue!), installed a new UV light for the KOI pond.... So it is only 10AM... I think I'll kick back and relax! Oh, and I put in a new bird feeder pool and moved one of the hummingbird feeders!

We had a new visitor, well a couple of new visitors, to our bird feeders yesterday!  The bluejay in the picture and a black capped chickadee... didn't capture a picture of him... what a beautiful little bird.  Although..

I do need to work on the axel of my "electric" push golf cart (not riding).  One of the shear pins is broken and causing problems on the course and, I'm certainly looking forward to golfing this Monday.  Talk about a run on sentence.  

I know this isn't very interesting, but it kinda reinforces, for me, that I'm getting things done.  My to-do list is now down to 20 items (2 of which are over 1 year old--) someday! Live in the moment and give it all your heart! Have an awesome future!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Well over a year since I've written anything.  C19 affected us all in many different ways.  I've been finishing up a darned great week.  and thought it might be good just to write a few things down.

In the past 2 weeks:

  • replaced the landing stairs with new ones.  I added 2 additional steps so there is less of a slope and easier up and downs!  Never built stairs before.  I must admit, I did purchase the stringers pre-cut.  My son, Chad, suggested a 3rd stringer for safety... I did that.  Thank you son!
  • I replace most of my sprinkler heads with high efficiency Hunter rotaries and blocked off 13 of the old heads completely!  These heads will reduce a lot of the run-off I head in the front yard - runoff caused by the slope and what appeared to others as gross over-watering.  With the change I notice there is hardly any runoff!  Awesome!
  • I added a shut off valve to my raised garden watering.  Don't need it for some parts of the year... I tied the gardens in to the main irrigation system, thereby getting rid of the battery operated hose system.
  • I replaced an outdoor faucet that had a burst pipe due to freezing.  That turned out to be one tough project.  I installed a shutoff valve in the house so I could actually turn off the flow to the outside faucet without turning off the main water supply.  I don't know why that isn't part of house design - especially when the basement is finished and there is no access to the indoor part of the plumbing.  I also installed a ceiling access panel!
  • I cleaned the garage
  • With Carolyn's help I installed a washer and dryer that I purchased from my son, Jeremiah, he's moving in September to his new home!!!!!!!!!  Unfortunately the place for his washer and dryer will require a stacked W/D unit!
  • We celebrated my 76th birthday with pies... "pie makes everything better" so my brother-in-law Howard says  I think he is right.
  • I weeded and maintained the bird feeders. Love to watch them.. We serve American Goldfinches, House Finches, Robins, Doves, and an occasional Stellar Jay.  Today I spotted the first Hummingbird of the year.  I've had the feeders out for over a month.  I think seeing the hummingbird inspired my to write a bit. The picture was taken through a screen - so, not so great!  Now there is a pair of ravens at my bird bath.  That's a first.  Where's my Camera.... ??????
  • I finally played a few rounds of golf! Some would say I was just out for a walk on a golf course... but, boy was I putting well!
  • I didn't do any baking the past few weeks - I usually make a batch of scones every week
  • I did cook several dinners!
  • My brother and sisters called to wish me a Happy Birthday... that was very wonderful.  The kids all called .. all in all, a great couple of weeks.
Please live your moments in the moment.  The past is the past, and the future will take care of itself... with a little planning!  Open your hearts and your minds to the adventure of life~!