Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Continuous Self-Improvement

Relationships:  Keep and maintain healthy relationships with family and friends
Weight Loss:  Determine healthiest body weight and attain that weight
Bowling:  Continue to improve technique and average
Golf:  Set some goals for improvement
Fishing??? I really want to do more

Not sure why these things got into my mind this morning - it is Valentine's day - my mind should be on romance, not this stuff. I think that even writing these things down ONCE has a lasting effect on the outcome desired.

Not much other than that to say.  Enjoy your moments and put some romance in your day!

Friday, February 2, 2018


Why - it is a question we asked a lot when we were very young.  But eventually we quit asking the question - or at least asked it infrequently. Recent endeavors have put the question forefront in my mind again.  I started Weight Watchers a few weeks back.  I received an email that asked the very basic question, "What is your Why?'  I've pondered that question the past few days.

Upon reflection the question is a seriously good one for almost any situation.  When we were studying MRP and Quality Control on my old job, there was the story of Harley Davidson and why it was in real trouble.  One would walk into their store and all of their new "hogs" had a piece of cardboard under the motor, because the store owners did not want oil drippings on the floor.  Something had to change the situation.  So, the engineers or whomever thought this was a problem that needed to be fixed started asking "WHY" is there an oil leak?"  It is all about getting to the "root cause" in this case -- typically it was found that asking the appropriate "why questions' in succession would, in as few as 5 whys, would get you to the root cause.  The question basically saved Harley Davidson or so history tells us.

Obviously the "Why Question" can be used discover, learn, solve problems, and for many other reasons - kids use it a lot just to understand the world around them.  When you are patient and answer each of their whys in the series - the light bulb turns o and the child discovers the why of what they were originally asking!  This does require patience and perseverance!

I have not gotten to the bottom of my particular why yet - but I will get there.

So, why have I started writing more?  Because there is something that niggles at me to do so!
Why is there a niggle? Because my mind is distracted until I do write!
Why does my mind get distracted?  Because I'm not focused on what I am doing?
well... you get the idea.  If I pursued this enough I would eventually get the "root answer" of my initial question!

So, why should you enjoy each and every moment?  Because it may well be the last moment you have - so enjoy and live each and every moment to the fullest.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Bowled a 632 This Afternoon

So did John! I had a good day on the lanes again today.  Carolyn did well also.  I think the coaching is going to work.  I'll set up another appointment. I also ordered a new bowling ball a "Global 900 Honey Badger"!  I guess I did it because John and Bob both have one and they are both really liking that ball. I'm looking forward to our next practice session.

I made good progress today on taxes.  Unusual for me because I tend to wait until the last minute.  Not this year, I'm plugging away steadily.

What else is up? Well, time to start signing up for summer golf leagues - I'm looking forward to that.  The weather has been decent enough, but I'm really concentrating on bowling right now.  I also want to spend more time fishing this year - just not sure what kind of fishing I'll be doing.  I kinda wish I was going to Canada again, but the arrangements seemed a bit tough this time around.  Who knows maybe I can think of a way to make it happen?!

There's just a lot going on right now - having a bit of trouble concentrating on any one thing. Heather and Eric are headed to Blackhawk for a day.... Carolyn still hasn't said what she would like for her birthday!  Don't know exactly what I'm going to do. 

Well - enjoy your moments, each and every one of them!