Thursday, July 13, 2017

Living the Dream

I'm living the dream - almost, the only thing that would bring it closer would be having a fishing pond or lake off the back door patio.  (Lana Babes IS living that dream!)  I guess if I really wanted to, though, I could be totally living my dream - but, and there is always a but- my dream is not the same as Carolyn's.  I think after 50 years of blissful marriage I would know what her ultimate dream would be - I don't!

So I think that would be a great topic for conversation on our upcoming adventure.  If only I can remember to bring the topic up.  I've got a very short term memory when it comes to that type of discussion.

Today I play in a senior-inter-club match at Heritage Eagle Bend.  Played there last year too.  I'm looking forward to the match today.  I've put together two decent rounds of golf in two consecutive days- so, I'm very happy.  I played golf with a gentlemen (Mike) yesterday - probably older than I am- wow did he have a fantastic short game and an excellent long game for that matter.  One of the things he did was have a steady routine prior to each shot.  He never ever lost his cool - he was reflective of each shot and then went on to the next - he carries a 12 handicap whereas mine is 19 (or close to it).

I've completed the - for the most part, because nothing is ever really finished or completed - the Koi pond retaining wall.  I'm now starting on finishing the patio project - sealing and such.  It is a busy and very joyful summer!

May all your days be joyful days! They are what you make of them!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Day After The Birthday Celebration

Thanks to all for the kind birthday wishes! 

So, yesterday was my birthday - golf with friends, calls and text messages from the kids, some notes from Lockheed Martin fellow workers, a great bottle of scotch which I have not yet opened (From a dear friend), frozen margaritas, a house full of relatives and some grandkids, nephews and nieces, followed by an open house today! And, notice the larger text - we all know why that is!

I won't say much about anything, but..... our threesome scored 1 first place, 1 third place, and a closest to the pin!!!!!!  Wow, that is a first.

Carolyn is headed for her Tuesday workout with WTF!  She is such a go-getter.

As for me - nothing witty to say!  At least not today.  I just need to get in the habit of writing again.  Love and hugs to all.... smile at someone you don't know today. Say hi.... give some one a break!  Give someone a reason to smile back at you!  Toodles and Roses!