Friday, December 30, 2016

Life in the 50's and 60's - the Century Before This One

I think my sister Lana wrote this - it actually sounds like her words and it is very well stated.  Since I don't copy and paste in Facebook I took it on myself to copy and paste it here... all except for the copy and paste lines.  Lana - very well stated and oh so true!

I grew up in the very small town of Montezuma IA and went to school at Montezuma in Montezuma IA. Iowa. During a time when most everyone treated each other like Family. We went outside to play, we got dirty.... We bought chips, soda & candy and baseball cards from the corner store. We played "Red Light, Green Light", marbles, jacks, Simon Says, "Hide and Seek", Dodge Ball, Red Rover, Baseball, Softball, and Football. We could ride our bikes to the store, or the park, or down a country road and stay all day. We even swam in the creek and the river when we had the chance. Walked home from school and stayed by ourselves. We ate beans & hot dogs, mac and cheese with peanut butter sandwiches at the school cafeteria. We walked or rode a bike everywhere and never worried about safety. We never thought to lock our windows or doors at night. And we had chores to do around the house. And we helped clean off the table after a meal and ate our meals as a family at a table together. We weren't AFRAID OF ANYTHING, 'cept our parents. If you fell down you would just get back up. We challenged each other everywhere...King of the hill. If someone had a fight, that's what it was...a fight. Kids weren't afraid of fake guns when I grew up. Real guns were just a part of life, and we respected them as well as our parents, our teachers, the American flag, the principal AND God. We said the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord's Prayer everyday we went to school. We left our houses as soon as we could in the morning and right after school till our neighbors would yell out for their children as a reminder to get in the house for the night. If one kid was called for dinner then we all knew to go home. But definitely when the street lights came on.
We watched our mouths around our elders because we knew if we DISRESPECTED any adult there would be a price to pay and we had manners and respect otherwise someone else's parents put you in your place. I would not trade anything for the childhood we had, for we had enough and we had love and all that made us the adults we are today. "Those were the best of Times"
...t with your town if you're proud that you came from a close knit community and will never forget where you came from!!♡
....o. Not everything needs to go back to the way they were, but something's really do. Sometimes simple is just better. Hope everyone has an amazing New Year celebration and may 2017 be your best ever!

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Just happened to think this morning that I have not posted to my blog site for some time... turns out it is about 6 months ago since my last post.  Maybe of been busy playing golf, bowling and, well, lots of other less identifiable things.

I have made some life changes - I now have a part time job!  Yup, I'm working at Saddlerock Golf Course in Aurora - so, I'm sort of a civil servant - although I did discover that golf course in Aurora are self supported and do not use any "tax payer" funding as is provided for the other Aurora Recreational services.  I do enjoy the occasional days of work.

I also stepped down as President of the Fitzsimons Men's Association.  I did that in support of a friend who was forced into an either or situation over a seemingly silly disagreement.  To me it was a mountain made of a mole hill thing.  Never-the-less my friend was pretty much forced into resigning his position on the board.

We have bowling today, couples league, 4 person teams.  My average has improved significantly since the start of this season.  I don't or haven't done as well in the Monday night league, but this Monday I bowled my best series of the year with that league.  Maybe I'm not feeling quite as intimidated any more.  Why the perceived intimidation?  Most of the guys have averages between 190 and 230!  It is not so much intimidation as it is a feeling that I should be doing better.  I think I need to make it more like golf and "compete" against myself to score better!

All I really know is that I am enjoying life and I am a happy person!  Be happy, enjoy all of your moments, we only have so many - !