Sunday, May 24, 2015

Press Lake Camp.... May 24 - Sunday - 2015

Our first full fishing day in camp.  We had Walleye last night and are having it again tonight.  Delicious.  Today I caught a 22.25" walleye and returned it to the water.  Tanner caught a 21.5" walleye and returned it - he is only 9 and 1/2 years old.  Totally on his own!!!!!

I also caught a very nice 19" smallmouth bass... catch and release - this time of year the only ones you can keep are under 13" - it is spawning season.

The fishing has been great and the weather fantastic - though a little warm.

I learned to play a new Dominoes game - Chicken Foot.  It really is a lot of fun.!

I wish I had some photos, but I didn't bring the camera.  I guess I should at last take my phone so I can capture any great moments - like Tanner's big catch.

I do have some photos of Kakabecka Falls -- we stopped there on the way to Press Lake.  It was a more impressive water falls than I expected!

Awesome eh?!  Enjoy your moments.  Live, Laugh, Love, Be happy and have "an open heart"!!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Canada 2015

It is a new day...  New days are good.  I'm in Iowa getting ready for the annual trek to Canada for some Walleye fishing.  I love catching those nice smallmouth bass too.  The occasional very nice northern isn't bad either.

This year going up with Lana and Jack, Glen and Tanner.  It should be loads of fun.

Yah know, I don't write much of late.  I"m not sure why that is. 

Centennial - has had 14 straight days with rain, already over 14" this year.  In Iowa - they've had a lot of rain too.  The lakes, rivers, and ponds are all full up.  The farmer's fields look great.  The rain's have been the non-flooding kind.  Slow enough that the ground can soak it up before a new rain comes.  It has been the same in Colorado. (note to self:  I'm hungry!)

I think I'll go practice my casting flips.  On to bowling - Carolyn and I are joining a "senior" couples league in the fall.  We picked out our new equipment - balls, bags, shoes and such and are looking forward to some practice lines during the summer.  It would be nice to get or averages over 100.  It has been some 30 years since we've done any "regular" bowling.  We practiced three lines the other day and really enjoyed it.

Well, enough -- enjoy your moments, each and every one of them!  That's what life is all about!