Sunday, March 10, 2024

To Blog or Not to Blog

 Good question. I have not written anything in a long time. I'm not even sure why anyone would click "Follow" It is probably because I don't really have a focus. Over the next few days, I'm going to work on that. At this age, you'd think I know what I want to be when I grow up! I think I'll just accept that I am who I am and that there is always room to learn, grow, and participate in life!

Maybe "Ramblings" is the correct tag. It seems that is what I am doing here. June 22, 2021. This is a date that is significant for me. It is almost as significant as August 12, 1967... The day Carolyn and I married each other. Carolyn also had a lot to do with June 22, 2021.  That is the day I became a friend of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends. 

These past few years have improved my life boundlessly in body, mind, and spirit. I don't exaggerate here. Perhaps, this "blog" is a way that I can express the gifts of following the teachings of Bruno Groening have impacted my life in a very positive way. They can impact yours as well, in a very positive and meaningful way. (Clicking the link takes you to a new window.) It takes you to the main website for the Circle of Friends. I know you will want to learn more. 

This is NOT a religion. There are folks from every faith, denomination, and culture.  Learn more.

Well, I guess I've decided on my focus and to continue to Blog.