Monday, March 28, 2022

I Think Spring has Arrived

 Truly along time since I have felt the need and passion for writing.  Today, I just think it- for no particular reason. It appears the COVID crisis has passed for now.  Most places are no longer requiring that face masks be worn.  I breathe much better without that thing, but the best part is seeing people's faces. Seeing people's faces is the best part  Hellos mean more; smiles mean more!  Facial expressions are an excellent form of human interaction, and those expressions and smiles mean so much.  

And oh what a blessing to have our family, all the kids, most of their spouses and grandchildren, present at Carolyn's 75th birthday party in February. Look at those smiles!

A few days ago, we enjoyed a visit from my sister Lana from Iowa.  She was here to help her daughter move back to the state that one of my granddaughters claimed was paradise!

It is great to see families out for walks, kids walking or, riding their bikes to school.  Spring is a wonderful time of year -- well, all seasons are wonderful in their way.

I put out the hummingbird feeders this morning - making ready for the early arrivals.  The finches have been going through their food so fast that I can hardly keep up with them.  A lot of 1st year Goldfinches have returned.  They are like tiny little jet planes -- so sleek and fast.

The squirrels, of course, are acting like squirrels do in the springtime.  They scramble through trees and along fence tops like a blurr!  It is fun to watch them try and figure out how to get to the birdfeeders.  Sometimes their antics are downright hilarious.

Enough for now, I have a wonderfully busy day ahead of me.  Please live and enjoy all of your moments to their absolute fullness!