Monday, May 25, 2020

I'm Oblivious

Sometimes I get totally confused about family relationships.  I think I don't have a clue - and if I ask, I feel like I get slapped in the face.  It's a personal thing, I'm not sure it has anything to do with the others that may or may not be involved.  Relationships are complex whether you've known someone for a few hours or for many years. 

Maybe I'm just a hermit at heart.  I get frustrated when I try and make someone happy or understand something and they don't get hapy or understand!  I'm sure it is just my convoluted way of thinking.  Perhaps I expect too much from myself and from others, perhaps I'm just over thinking things!  It's kind of like the picture of the roots in my last post - confusing, but in some wa nurturing and that nurturing is what I'm not seeing clearly.

My response to all this is to withdraw.  Sometimes I withdraw from reality by watching some meaningless action placked movies or TV shows.  Sometimes, frankly, I just pout.  I'm reaching within myself to return to the moment I'm in - and at times that is a struggle.  Today is one of those days that I'm frustrated with relationships and it is obviously revealing itself in what I'm writing. It is all kind of like the new name us guys came up for our team name for or Monday Night league... Dazed and Confused.

Oh well, be happy - do your best to make someone smile and find a moment that you can really experience!!!