Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A New Day

Yup, simply a new day.  I don't have much to say, haven't have for some time.  Not sure why that is.  Maybe it is because of the "stay at home"!  The C-19 statistics are finally looking better.  There have been many impacts to our family..... Found out yesterday that one of the family members has been confirmed positive for COVID.   That was NOT good news.  I think we are coping more than anything. 

I'm thinking of a lot sometimes, and very little most other times.  The thoughts are fleeting and not deep.  I think I'm more in the moment than ever before - mostly because I'm doing a lot of things that don't require a lot of other thinking, so staying in the moment is actually easier.

I'm familiarizing myself with other forms of family communications, like Zoom and Skype ... going to try something today for my son's special day!

Be safe, be well -
Think about it