Monday, May 25, 2020

I'm Oblivious

Sometimes I get totally confused about family relationships.  I think I don't have a clue - and if I ask, I feel like I get slapped in the face.  It's a personal thing, I'm not sure it has anything to do with the others that may or may not be involved.  Relationships are complex whether you've known someone for a few hours or for many years. 

Maybe I'm just a hermit at heart.  I get frustrated when I try and make someone happy or understand something and they don't get hapy or understand!  I'm sure it is just my convoluted way of thinking.  Perhaps I expect too much from myself and from others, perhaps I'm just over thinking things!  It's kind of like the picture of the roots in my last post - confusing, but in some wa nurturing and that nurturing is what I'm not seeing clearly.

My response to all this is to withdraw.  Sometimes I withdraw from reality by watching some meaningless action placked movies or TV shows.  Sometimes, frankly, I just pout.  I'm reaching within myself to return to the moment I'm in - and at times that is a struggle.  Today is one of those days that I'm frustrated with relationships and it is obviously revealing itself in what I'm writing. It is all kind of like the new name us guys came up for our team name for or Monday Night league... Dazed and Confused.

Oh well, be happy - do your best to make someone smile and find a moment that you can really experience!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A New Day

Yup, simply a new day.  I don't have much to say, haven't have for some time.  Not sure why that is.  Maybe it is because of the "stay at home"!  The C-19 statistics are finally looking better.  There have been many impacts to our family..... Found out yesterday that one of the family members has been confirmed positive for COVID.   That was NOT good news.  I think we are coping more than anything. 

I'm thinking of a lot sometimes, and very little most other times.  The thoughts are fleeting and not deep.  I think I'm more in the moment than ever before - mostly because I'm doing a lot of things that don't require a lot of other thinking, so staying in the moment is actually easier.

I'm familiarizing myself with other forms of family communications, like Zoom and Skype ... going to try something today for my son's special day!

Be safe, be well -
Think about it

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Seriously, It has been awhile......

I'm going to do this whole blog without mentioning .... oops, almost slipped there.  What a wonderful time this can be.  All we need do, is make it so.  Carolyn and I had started a watercolor class.  We can do this and really enjoy the time with each other.  We catch up on reading and hobbies.  Carolyn also finds ways to liven up the early spring yard!  The yard before clean-up and the 4 more snows that I've predicted.  About a month back, I predicted 7 more snows this year.  So far, we've had three - two of them I consider substantial - 2 to 8" of the white stuff.

I think I'll do some fishing this year.  We've taken a few car rides around Cherry Creek Reservoir.  The ice is gone.  Our KOI wintered well, they look fantastic and the water is still nice and clear.  I'm going to have to clean the pressure filter pretty soon though.

I honestly don't know what I'm doing up so early.  I just couldn't sleep.... maybe I took one too many naps yesterday.   All of the family seems to be doing well!  I look forward to a sunny day or two so I can do a little bit of spring cleaning in the yard and get ready for the next blast of snow!  Have an absolutely awesome spring and take good care of yourself and others!