Thursday, September 5, 2019

Busy August 2019

We celebrated our 52nd anniversary by traveling to Germany. This picture was taken at Moonlake in Germany.  We had a wonderful dinner with 44 of our fellow travelers.  We spent almost 3 full weeks traveling.  Our favorite part of the journey was the last 5 days we spent with Uwe and his family in Kiel.  Kiel is a beautiful harbor town with a wonderful downtown area and really gorgeous places for morning and evening walks.  We learned so much from the Feldmann family and have brought back some wonderful ideas to help us simplify things a bit.  Ideas like simple breakfasts and homemade breads and oat mills and flour mills and simple decorations - evening conversations with a glass of wine, and afternoon tea and cakes (a very common tradition across Germany).   Flowers and Gardens

And now we are back to our adventures at home.  Our gardens continue to do well, the sunflowers are in full bloom, the morning glories are coming into their glory.  They seem to take forever to start, but once they do..... wow!  They have totally taken over the backdrop of the main Fairy Garden.  During our trip to Germany I found myself taking a lot of pictures of nature!  Things like, trees, tree roots, shrubs, flowers, farmer's markets and such.  I guess nature still grabs my mind and celebrates the wonders of the gifts of greens and colors and a myriad of shapes.  I was really taken by the vertical  garden at Uwe and Uta's back porch and the miniature trees in the window sills. I bought a Ficus Zen plant on return.  That is the start of my indoor tree collection - if only I can keep the Ficus alive!

I think I mentioned earlier the cooking course Carolyn is taking.  We are eating fabulous Plant Based Menu's and are enjoying the course together.  We share cooking, often working on meals together, but also preparing the complete daily menu alone when one of is very busy.  We have learned so much about cooking and food preparation and food storage - it is an exciting journey that we are taking together... a fantastic new and venture after 52 awesome years together - 54 counting the 2 years we dated before getting married!  Wow!  So, how did we get started on this new adventure.  We watched a movie called "Forks Over Knives".  At that point we started our Plant Based Diet.  A few weeks later we subscribed to the Forks Over Knives menu planning service - nothing has been the same in dining and eating since then.  Forks Over Knives Meal Planning Jeremiah, our son, even loves most of the dishes we are preparing!

And finally - golf season is coming to an end and bowling has started...... so many different things to enjoy and lots of precious moments to come!