Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Fairy Garden(S)

I started a project this year!  It was actually for Carolyn, but I have become seriously involved. We converted one of our box gardens to a fairy garden - and the project got serious pretty quickly.  Carolyn has selected some stones, houses, and plants.  We transplanted the green tree in the upper right hand corner from our box garden on the west side of the house.  We have subsequently moved other things around and added fairy like stuff all along the back fence of the property.  It is definitely a work in progress!  I get far more enjoyment out of it than I ever figured I would.

So, I started this particular blog about a month ago - and then I just got busy with gardening and finishing this fairy garden.  Bottom line, here is what it looks like now!  Complete with a working waterfall and stream.  It took a couple of weeks to get that one right - but it works beautifully.  So - here's a task finally finished and it is kinda awesome.  One more picture as of the current date!  I'm talking about the picture to the left.  We've added some details.  The trees are a bit overgrown, but Carolyn is busy taking care of that .  There's a new stone from one of the grandkids that say " believe".  It is kind of a thing around here.  Carolyn now has about 65 linear feet of fairy land.... and that doesn't include this specific fairy garden.  Enjoy your moments, they are so precious..... Like my grandson Bishop said yesterday when I said.. "Slow down I can't keep up with you!"  He said - "That is because you are very old!"  Gotta love it!