Monday, January 29, 2018

Not Sure This is Worth a Title

The Morell clan dropped by yesterday.  I made a pretty much vegetarian dinner - not too bad even if I do say so myself.  I think Oscar and Kindle enjoyed themselves.  Meezy joined us for supper.  I actually had the TV turned off for a few hours.  It was nice enough to check out the Koi Pond.  Oscar was playing with the "Big Swing".  All-in-all we had a great time.

Today I start working on TAXES!!!!  Not my favorite thing today, but I feel well organized this year.  The paperwork folder looks bigger than usual.  We also got our property tax bill... holy crap... a shocker, even higher than last year!

Last night was kind of a sleepless night.  I'm not quite sure why.  Oh, by the way, I've been reading some of my LB's Facebook posts hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  He sure has some strong thoughts, but very well put to words! I'm sure he and I are not in agreement on many things, but we are both - definitely -- entitled!

Thanksgiving 2017

For some odd reason I'm feeling the need to put a picture in this post - but not sure what picture to put here.  That is one thing I don't like about Google photos - How do I get the photo from there to here?  I know I can provide a link, but, I don't want a link I WANT THE DARNED PICTURE.  I'll see if I can figure that out. (11:52 am Mountain Time - Starting - completed 11:53 am -- that was easy!

We sorely missed the Chad and Wendfal Fahlenkamp family.  It is tough to get a full family picture these days.  Everyone is so busy... Chad, Wendfal, Autumn, and Wolfgang we so missed you!  Maybe next year we can do a non-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving so everyone can make it.

I'm also looking forward to a before and after of me..... I am on a weight loss kick again.  It is the right thing to do for my health and my family.  I'm 15lbs down and feeling great.  I have another 15 to go!  This should also improve my bowling and golf!

Well, I started with nothing to say and look where it has led!  May all your moments be great moments!

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Bowling and Other Activities

Two years ago Carolyn and I took up bowling again.  Yesterday we had our first "coaching" session.  We used the coach that works with Ty Bowling Services ( ).  What a great experience.  Today we went and practiced the minor changes that he suggested.  As predicted, things might get worse before they get better as we have to develop some new muscle memories.  But it is fun trying to work through those changes.  We are very much looking forward to improved performance.

I'm also looking forward to a new season of golf.  Our men's club has had to move from Fitz as it has been closed for expansion of the Anschutz facilities.  It is a sad thing.  The course had been open for nearly 100 years.  The new course is Meadow Hills.  It will be much more of a challenge for most of us.  My current GHIN handicap is 19.4.  I would like to see that improved this year.  I still have not decided how many times a week I'll be golfing this year.I'm thinking three, maybe four leagues.  Unfortunately Golf season and bowling overlap about 8 weeks!  This results in a log of activity. But, I'm pretty sure I can handle it.  I might have to give up the morning "river walking", steam room, and sauna!  I'll probably have to work out a new recreation budget as well - but, what the heck!

Even though we are not even close to spring yet - I've already embarked on the annual spring cleaning adventure.  We took most of our Christmas stuff, including lights and trees, to Goodwill.  We also cleaned out our closets - a couple of car loads worth.

Carolyn and I have broached the subject of a 2nd car again.  We've only had one car for the last three years.  I use Uber when need be and we are going to start renting when we go on long drive vacations.

The winter has been extremely mild so far -- but, the snowiest months are yet to come. The Koi pond has only been frozen over one time -- I actually saw the fish at the top the other day... It is difficult to resist feeding them - that can't happen 'til the water reaches at least 50 degree Fahrenheit.

Well, that is about it for now., May all your moments be wonderful!